Achill 2005


Workshop Presentations

Here you can find the presentation of each workshop. Just click on the name of the workshop to download the file. Please notice the file size.

Achill Virtual Community (MS PowerPoint - 0,35 MB)

Borrowed Identity (MS Power Point - 1,3 MB)

Europe Meets Gaelic (MS PowerPoint - 0,45 MB)

Emigration (Movie - 23,3 MB)

Traces Of Emigration (MS PowerPoint - 1,4 MB)

Grandma Online / Silver Surfers (MS PowerPoint - 1,75 MB)

Stones (MS PowerPoint - 0,9 MB)







Co-ordinator: Dr. Laurent Borgmann, Remagen
FH Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus

Page by: Karsten Kneese

Supported by the
European Commission
DG Education and Culture.

Last update: 25.02.2005