Workshop descriptions
1. Global Responsibility
- social and environmental developments in Ireland
Workshop leader: Marlen
This workshop will dig into the concept of “global responsibility”:
what it means and how it can be achieved; what our responsibility as European
citizens is wherever we go. The relevance of this workshop for the Borrowed
Identities Intensive Programme is twofold:
- it explores the idea of European identity
- it focuses on how the process of “borrowing” [idea of including,
instead of excluding] contributes to building this EU-identity.
The scenarios for this workshop are Europe and Achill, each ‘representative’
of two basic concepts related to Global Responsibility: globalization
The group will be as nationally mixed as possible and the development
of the workshop is entirely on the making.
The aim of this workshop is to raise awareness of our condition as
borrowers of the twofold context in which we live:
- environmental context: we borrow Nature as our living support
- social context: we borrow others’ values to identify our own values
distinct from BUT comparable and compatible with theirs.
The activities proposed for this workshop include the following:
- group discussions on what global responsibility means;
- identifying types of actions that exemplify global responsibility and
documenting them;
- talking to the locals to gather information on the environmental and
social developments on Achill (Ireland);
- building a “globally responsible model of European identity”;
- visual documentation, editting of the work done.
- Laptop
- Digital camera
- Pen/paper/ flip-charts
- What Nature offers
Come and join us!
2. Borrowed Identities
- changing perspectives to cultural identity
Workshop leader: Theo
In this workshop you will develop an interactive video dialog.
The scenarios will be about
dealing with difficulties on a workplace as an intern abroad. For example:
1) "I have put my foot in it!"
2) "I´m feeling so lonely!"
3) "I´m being misused as a cheap worker!"
We will get in touch with local
inhabitants on Achill Island to integrate them into our workshop.
As we need the input of several
cultures, it would be great to have a very cultural mixed group.
The interactive video dialogs will demonstrate exemplary the complexity
of our decisions in personal and intercultural situations and reflect
our own actions. Switching to another cultural identity will help to raise
awareness and will lead to a deeper understanding of cultural diversity.
- Think about critical situations on a workplace as an intern e.g. on
- Collect ideas & brainstorm scenarios
- Get in touch with the local inhabitants on their workplace
- Realise your concept
- Act, shoot & arrange the video dialogs
- Produce and perform a presentation
- Pen & paper
- Digital Camera
- Laptop
3. Role of Internet and
rural community development
Workshop leader: Karsten
In this workshop we will look at how the internet has changed and
is changing the daily life of people in a rural community like Achill
Island. We will talk to shop owners, teachers, business people, school
kids, pub owners, elderly people etc. to find out in what ways the internet
already has, or could have, an influence on their lifes and the way they
are doing things.
We will also create a scenario for "Achill 2010 - the online island",
in which we try to show how Achill could make use of all the new technologies
and innovations, like social
media, RFID, mobile
computing and communication etc...
To get in touch with as many people as possible and learn about their
everyday life, how they are doing business, comparing it with what we
know from our countries and establishing a cultural awareness for those
differences and similarities.
- doing interviews with local people
- If possible we will assist interested people with their plans (e.g.
developing a concept for an online shop, settign up a weblog etc.).
- Creating the scenario "Achill 2010 - the online island"
- an open mind
- a good eye for opportunities
- computer with presentation
4. Representation for
foreign cultures in Irish Schools - Education and the creation of identity
Workshop leader: Dot
This workshop will focus on intercultural exchange between the pupils
in a primary school class on Achill Island and a group of BI participants.
In particular we will try to raise awareness of similarity and diversity
between cultures and look at education and its part in the creation of
identity. The BI group should be as nationally mixed as possible.
To exchange information and acquire knowledge of each others schooldays,
everyday life, cultures, languages, traditions, etc. and thereby explore
some of the factors influencing cultural identity while, at the same time,
developing a deeper awareness of cultural diversity.
- School visit/s
- A day in the life of my school/an Irish teacher/an Irish school class
- Culture box talks with school children
- Interviews – within the BI group and at school
- The Gaelic language tradition
- Cultural identity through music and song
- Culture box items (realia, photos, things which identify your culture,
- Map of Europe/world, pins, blue-tack, string.
- National flags
- Digital camera/s
- Digital video camera
- Mini cassette recorder + tapes
- Sweets (from different countries?) for the children
Join us! It will be an enriching experience!
5. How to become an
intercultural expert? a game based approach
Workshop leader: Vera
Intercultural Expert is the name of the game.
Games are fun! Designing one, or more, in just one week related to intercultural
questions that not only looks good, but is good, is going to be NOT ONLY
FUN but challenging!
Are you interested in creating activities that get others to put on their
thinking caps?
If so, then this is the workshop for you!
To create an attractive game (or games) related to intercultural questions
for the general public, a game everyone wants to share.
- indoor and outdoor
- brainstorming
- sharing of ideas, skills and competences
- interviewing and conversing with people to gather information
- designing materials
- testing the game.
- Laptop/Notebook;
- Digital camera;
- MP3/4
There is something here for
everyone. Come and join in making the game(s) more than a name.
6. "Media Workshop"
- The Online Intercultural Journal - using creative techniques from diverse
cultural backgrounds
Workshop leader: Laurent
Achill & Dublin
This workshop will focus on different kinds of journalistic documentation.
In particular we will try to raise awareness for “choosing the right
medium and representation style”. We will share our knowledge of
the old and new media and how these are being used and instrumentalised
in different genres and cultures. The media workshop should be as nationally
mixed as possible. The participants need no technical knowledge in order
to take part but it helps if they are familiar with computers.
Production of a faithful report of all important aspects of the intensive
Seminar on Achill Island. Viewers, listeners, and readers should get a
glimpse of the emotions, the special atmosphere on the island and even
personal feelings of the participants.
Discussion of the advantages of the different kinds of media for different
kinds of representation of reality. Awareness of the different national
media which influence our cultural identity. Production of a semi-professional
documentation of our European project. This documentation will turn into
a real product and will be used as part of the final report of the European
- discussions about
different kinds of documentation (audio, video, web- based)
- comparison of old media and new media, tabloid and serious style
- designing story boards
for concrete documentation features
- coordinating and planning
documentation with the other work shops (getting stories, editing articles
and pictures)
- doing interviews with
participants and the Achill community
- differerent genres
and cultures (e.g. wildlife documentary vs. BigBrother)
- editing the existing
materials and putting them together in a presentable format
- digital camera
- audio-recorder
- laptop computers
- software for producing and editing audio / video / web-based documentation
- flip-chart for story-boards
Be a journalist for a week! We will go to any length to find the right
7. Architecture - Dichotomy
between Irish Cultural Heritage and international style
Workshop leader: Reka
This workshop will look at
how culture is represented in architecture. We will explore the dichotomy
of traditional and modern architecture by looking at several examples
in Dublin and in cities of Europe. The workshop will also give the opportunity
to explore how people in different countries perceive a mixture of old
and new.
The aim of this workshop
is to get a picture of traditional buildings and sights of Ireland and
Dublin. The workshop aims to get an insight on how local people feel
about these pieces of architecture and what emblematic meaning they
associate with them.
- identifying examples
of traditional and modern in the cities of the participating countries
- group discussion of what these
monuments, traditional and modern buildings represent and how they are
perceived by local people and tourists
- visiting relevant places in
Dublin (e.g. the New Millenium Spire in O'Connel Street, Georgian hoses
along Fitzwilliam Square, the Custom House, International Financial Services
- interviewing local Dubliners
about their emotional and rational reactions to recent changes in the
- visual and audio documentation
- examples of old and new in
your home cities, countries
- digital camera
- audio-recorder