Day 13

20 February 2008

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Day 13

In the footsteps of James Joyce


Dublin is known to be a pilgrimage destination to the James Joyce fans from all around the world. You can find single tourists, or organized groups walking around in the city with the thick book, searching for the stones which indicate Leopold Bloom�s way through Dublin on June 16th, 1904, the Bloomsday. So, we couldn�t have done any different. In the morning a team of 5 started exploring the city of Dublin with the intentions to follow Leopold Bloom�s steps from the world famous novel, Ulysses. We started our journey at the James Joyce Centre, which is a museum, an educational centre and an exhibition dedicated to the writer. Then we passed the Pro-Cathedral on our way to the James Joyce Statue on Earl Street. It is a remarkable piece, showing him in the classic posture, wearing glasses, hat and walking stick. Passing the General Post Office we arrived to our first stone, at Abbey Street, the Aeson Bookstore. The second stone was found on O�Connell Street 49, which led to the third clue, right after crossing the bridge. The fourth stone lies in front of the Bank of Ireland. Crossing College Street, we arrived to the fifth, the Statue of Thomas Moore. Leaving Trinity College to our left, we found the sixth stone on Grafton Street, the Davy Byrne�s Pub. The seventh stone can be found on Duke Street, and finally the eighth, at the National Museum. It is definitely an interesting way to explore the city, borrowing the glasses of the author, to see the Dublin of James Joyce.

Zsófia Dabóczy (Hungarian Group)

Our trip back to Germany


On Wednesday the 20th we flew back to Germany from Dublin. I must say that the trip went well. We all packed our things early in the morning in Dublin, put them in the locker, and then proceeded to say goodbye to everything that had become our home for the last 12 days. The German group was very excited to get home but at the same time there was a feeling of sadness. The flight check in went well and everyone just waited around to get on the plane all the while snacking on some snacks they had purchased in Dublin just outside the Hostel. Once we arrived in Germany all of us had to find a train to get back home. We finally found a train that would take us and got on for the last part of our trip. A few got off in Bonn and we said bye to them the most of them then proceeded to get off in Remagen and that left only three of the German group sitting in the train, then two got off in Andernach, and the last, me, got off in Koblenz. Our trip was over. After 12 days we were home. But we will always remember Achill, the Islanders and of course Dublin.

Susana Elena Lozano-Lopez (German Group)



 page by  Aneta Przewożna and Balázs Tatár