Day 2

9 February 2008


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Day 13

The recovery position


To make sure everyone is well prepared in the unlikely case of emergency, Assja, our emergency manager divided the group into smaller international-mixed teams to do a quiz about emergency situations. It was set up as a competition, where the winners could win an emergency kit. The questions were ranging from how certain words like �Respiration� are translated into different languages to "what to say when you place an emergency call". Part of the quiz was also the practice of recovery. This made some passing people quite concerned because they thought it was a real emergency and not only a practice. We explained that this was only a role-play.

Afterwards everyone knew the recovery position as well as the basics about first aid. Therefore the group will be well prepared in case something happens. Surely, our hope was that we never have to use what we have learned.


Markus Lang (German Group)







The train journey from Dublin to Westport


 Our train trip started in Dublin main station. The train brought us from Dublin to Westport. Although this trip was lasting for four hours we had a lot of fun and were always busy. First of all, the air was filled with happy laughter, cheerful chatter and joyful excitement. The people felt content to meet each other and to learn about other cultures. Surrounded by the overwhelming Irish landscape, our main activity was discussing and preparing the up coming reception party and the workshops. Because of the different activities we were proposed by the social manager the former four groups, were mixing more and more, to form one strong group. These activities filled the whole travel and almost everyone got involved. Our creativity we could show, by drawing an intercultural picture. Every person added a detail to the picture. As many cultures were involved, the piece of art showed different aspects of our view of world. Our knowledge about the other participating countries and their geography as well as their costumes, we improved by playing games such as �city, country and river�. However we modified this game. One variation was that we could only use the names of a specific participating country. There was also space for more spontaneous activities and coming-togethers. Many people were playing card games with self-made rules. From time to time we were singing typical folk songs and we taught others these songs. All in all we had hours full of joy and happy meetings, so that this trip seemed to last too short time.

Sabine Rauh (German Group)


  Travel Manager

 My job is to bring 40 participants from 4 countries to Ireland and back. Therefore, I had to get in touch with them mostly by email. I collected their personal data, looked for possible cheap flights and brought all the information together in one document. I uploaded it on our common internet webpage �the Moodle� where everyone could follow the working steps and correct their data if there was a mistake. Also I published visa information and the dates of each group�s departure and arrival time. I was concerned to make a mistake because to change a booking would have been really expensive. I was glad that after some weeks all flights were booked correctly and I could send the tickets by post to the coordinators of the international groups. The next step was to figure out how we get from Dublin airport to the youth hostel by bus. With Valeria (accommodation manager) we always shared all information about prices and dates. I also had to plan how to get from the Hostel to the train station by 8 seat taxis and then by train from Dublin train station to Westport. This is a town on the West of Ireland. It took us approximately 4 hours on the train to get there. From Westport I hired a bus to bring us to our cottages in Achill, where my work ended until the middle of the week. On the Wednesday being separated into 2 groups we will get a guided bus tour around the island. The last thing to do will be to bring back all of the students to Dublin to Kinlay House Hostel and later back to their homes.

Amelie Brachmann (German group)
















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Co-ordinator: Dr. Laurent Borgmann, Remagen
FH Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus
page by  Aneta Przewożna and Balázs Tatár