Day 11

16 February 2009

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Day 11

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Day 13

Day 14

The End

Hollywood is in Dublin now!


Hollywood! We are coming Sunday morning� No, no it wasn�t one of those mornings which people usually spend in their beds. That day was very special for one boy who arrived to Dublin even from the heart of NY. His first steps made on the strange land were very careful. He didn�t understand those crazy people who were driving on the left side of the road. He couldn�t realize why their plugs had even three holes. He got embarrassed by those separate tips (separate pipes of water (hot/cold)). He wondered why barman always brought him more than half a litter of beer. He thought about two �boyish� chicks (girls) who didn�t understand his Irish language. These things made him confused but shortly after that they were refused as clever boy just understood that real friendship and love could be found right in the pub. This was the story that inspired us (Agnes, Assja, Biannca, Jovita, Lubica, Michal, Marijus and Teo ) to create a wonderful movie. That�s why we say: �Hollywood just wait and we are coming�.

Marijus Petrauskas (Lithuanian group)


The French Way

Intercultural Friendship Ten years ago when I was in the 8th class I decided to take part in the student exchange program with France which was offered at my school. To get in contact with my exchange partner we wrote at the beginning just some general letters about ourselves and our families. But finally the day came and my exchange partner arrived to Germany. We got on very well and I enjoyed showing her the German way of life. 2 month after she left we saw each other again when I visited her through the exchange program in France. Everything was the same as in Germany and we became great friends. I liked her family a lot and I really enjoyed the time in France. After I returned to Germany I wrote a lot of letters to her and we decided very quickly to take part in the exchange the year later again. I even returned to France a third time to see her. I can say that this friendship made me learn the French language with a lot of enthusiasm and to choose French as advance course at grammar school later on. Thanks to this friendship I also became an expert in the French way of life. I�m very grateful for these wonderful experiences and this friendship. Unfortunately, after we both left school we lost the contact.

Christina Stockhausen (German group)




Kannst ty understand Europe!?



Reka Farkas (Hungarian group)


Maria, Kerstin, Dublin

As a leisure activity, tonight our international group watched a quite international movie of Woody Allen. Vicky, Christina, Barcelona � in our case can be interpreted as Maria, Kerstin, Dublin. During the last days we experienced similar feelings and situations as Vicky and Christina, while meeting a new culture, new people and discovering ourselves. Woody Allen definitely created something with feelings that we already have experienced in a way. Some of us were expecting something different from the film, but with Woody Allen, you never know. We all surely have gotten in the Spanish mood.

Reka Farkas (Hungarian group)


page by  Michael Vogel, Kerstin Neugebauer, Lubica Kuboveova, Bianca Stenz, Reka Farkas, Ramunas Kanapeckas, Linnea Poulsen