Intercultural simulation - BARNGA "why on earth doesn't he respect the rules?"
Gestures became more important
as no verbal communication was permitted
Definitions of Culture |
"It's all in the cards! No verbal communication permitted" |
Game Facilitator: Matthias Göring
culture: the different attitudes, beliefs of people that are influenced by their environment, geopgraphy, upbringing, social class.."
"culture is the software of the mind
- make sure you get the updates"
"I felt much more at home at 'my' table because at least everybody
tried to respect the rules"
"The values, beliefs, styles, attitudes that distinguish people of different generations, regions, religions, economic situations, social classes ..." |
Models of Culture - onion model
- iceberg model
- software of the mind
- Hofstede's pyramid
The Trainer:
The onion model? Well, it has many layers and when you come to the centre you are in tears ;-)
"Man is mortal - culture is eternal" |
"culture is comparable to a dress code. It determines how a human being is supposed to act in society" |
"Culture is the backbone of a person's life" |
Definitions of Culture