A German lecture familarized the guests with the way courses are teached at RheinAhrCampus

Asked about their impressions they unisono stated that they liked the way our lecturers interact with class. Try out for yourself ...

The English speaking lecture gave the oportunity to really get in action and participate.




A group of students called attRACtive and five foreign students came and enjoyed an appetizer day at RheinAhrCampus...



One of the highlights of the day:

the international multi beach volley tornament


As it was the first time Rac-for-a-day took place it was a great opportunity to be part of it and engage in the action, filming, interviewing and later editing a short movie to introduce the concept to all those who might follow.

Here the film crew would like to thank all participants being so patient to endure our filming!!!




Dr. Elmar-Laurent Borgmann
FH Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus
Page designed by Garvin Höfig, Daniela Dung