Co-ordinators: Jens Andreas Faulstich, Remagen; Stefanie Druegg, Rheinbach; Dr. Darla Domke-Damonte, Myrtle Beach

Grafik Myrtle Beach Experience August 2006


In August, 11 students from RAC traveled to the US in order to participate in a study program in South Carolina. During the program they worked with students from FH Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Coastal Carolina University and lots of international students - including a number of students from TDU in Japan!


Students participated in lectures and classes on a wide variety of subjects. This way they had the opportunity to find out in what ways the academic environments of German universities and US universities differ - and whether studying in the US for a semester or even a year might be an attractive option. Excursions, social and cultural activities, sports event and other elements gave the students a chance to experience some glimpses of American culture - not only in a classroom setting. The participants also had to complete a number of assignments for their classes.
The successful participants of the program were awarded a certificate during the final ceremony.

Meet the students and find out about their experiences on 21 November 2006, 1:15pm (new language lab, F015).






Dr. Elmar-Laurent Borgmann
FH Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus
Page designed by Garvin Höfig