Victims of Trafficking

In cases of trafficking or enforced prostitution, the victims are often transferred to SOLWODI by the police who found those women during swoops. To help those women needs quite some time. First of all they will be accommodated in a safe flat. When those women agree to act as witnesses against those men who forced them into prostitution, an advisor will make sure – in cooperation with the police – that the living of those women will be paid for during the time of the courtproceedings and also thereafter.

During that time, SOLWODI will also provide social and psychological support. An advisor will always accompany the witness, wherever she goes to, for example to see a doctor or lawyer. Since those women often suffer from a trauma, advisors will make sure, they get the necessary help. In the time before the courtproceedings start, SOLWODI will also make sure, the women take German language courses and SOLWODI will also provide a female lawyer, specialized on such cases, supporting the victims during the courtproceedings and as well accusing those men, who abused those women.

During the courtproceedings it`s most important, that the victims get good support, when they are confronted with the culprits and since the defence counsels normally will try to convince the court, that the women did voluntarily what they did. Especially here the support of the specialized female lawyer, supporting the victim, is of great importance. During breaks in the courtproceedings, it`s also important, that an advisor is available with whom the witness can discuss her emotions and anxieties.

Many women are also afraid of the time following the courtproceedings. The advisor will therefore try to support the woman in developing perspectives for the future, jobwise and private. SOLWODI also offers numerous ways of help to those women, who have to stay in Germany, because they are threatened in their home countries, but also to those women, who wish to return to their home countries.

Propsteistraße 2
D-56154 Boppard - Hirzenach
Tel.: (0 67 41) 22 32
Fax: (0 67 41) 23 10

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