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- Solidarity with women in distress! - Solidarität mit Frauen in Not!


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SOLWODI is...:

SOLWODI is an association that helps women in distress. SOLWODI is a contact point for migrant women who have come to Germany through sex tourism, human trafficking or arranged marriage. The association is non-partisan and non-denominational. more...

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Zu den Internetseiten der agentur makz.Seit 1998 ist diese Website ein Sponsoringprojekt der agentur makz für den Verein SOLWODI.


For the social and vocational reintegration of women in developing countries and in Middle and Eastern European States

Target group of this project are migrant women, who have lived, or are still living in Germany - regardless of their alien status – and who are to return to their countries of origin.
The project aims at empowering women to build up a secure and independent existence.
Since 1992, SOLWODI is responsible for the implementation.


Single case support for a dignified return home as well as support in establishing economic independence.



Women from developing countries and from Middle and Eastern European States who:

  • are in distress and /or have experienced violence
  • are single and/or are single mothers
  • are impoverished
  • have been living in Germany for at least 1 year (exceptions possible)
  • are willing to reintegrate permanently in their countries of origin.



Initial counselling is carried out by SOLWODI in Germany, where future perspectives are developed. Once back in the country of origin, a local non-governmental organisation (NGO) which co-operates with SOLWODI takes over responsibility for counselling, project supervision, monetary transactions and verifying proper use of the funds.
SOLWODI remains in contact with the returnee and the local NGO for a period of at least 3 years.


  • Grants for travel and freight expenses
  • Bridging aid for the first 3 months after return to support the reorientation process
  • Grants for vocational training and professional development: Education for vocational or school qualifications is supported for up to 1 year.
    The grant can be used to cover course fees, learning materials, travel expenses and upkeep.
  • Grants for job adaptation in the country or origin:
    We co-finance traineeships and jobs for up to 1 year together with employers in the countries of origin to aid reintegration on the labour market.
  • Support in setting up a business:
    In co-operation with a local NGO a micro-credit can be granted to help set up a business. 70 percent of the sum is given as an interest-free loan and 30 percent as a grant. The interest-free loan is repayable to the local NGO who then uses the money for their own women’s projects. The period of repayment is agreed on an individual basis.
    Commercial knowledge is essential for running a successful business. The courses required are financed by SOLWODI up to three months.
    A combination of vocational training and business formation can be agreed on an individual basis.


Vocational training and professional development as a: hairdresser, secretary, tailor, tourist guide, beautician.
Setting up a business: internet café, convenience restaurant, baker’s shop, general store, market stall, nursery, beautician’s and hairdresser’s salon, market gardening, pig and cattle breeding, chicken farm.


From the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (via the World University Service on behalf of the International Placement Services of the German Federal Employment Agency) as well as from SOLWODI donations.


SOLWODI Germany e.V.
Returnee Project

Contact persons:
Charlotte Becker and Dorothee Helou

P.O.Box 3741
55027 Mainz
Tel: ++49 – (0) 6131 - 670795
Fax:++49 – (0) 6131 - 613470

Email : mainz[at]solwodi.de

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