Leather and Textile Engineering





Developing sustainable and high-performance materials in Leather and Textile Engineering



Bachelor of Leather and Textile Engineering

Exploring new applications with revolutionary materials


What is the difference between leather and synthetic leather? Is leather sustainable? How are outdoor materials made waterproof? What alternatives are there to conventional textiles that are not only more sustainable but also perform better?

If you're interested in questions like these, our Leather and Textile Engineering degree program (LT) will be the right choice for you. This unique course of study provides you with in-depth knowledge along the value chain of the textile and leather industry. In addition, you can already work in research during your studies as a part of our national and international research projects or deepen your first international experience with a semester abroad.


After graduation, your engineering degree will offer you excellent job prospects in different high-growth industries. Or you can opt for a related master's degree and a doctorate to expand your expertise.

Exciting excursions are also part of our Leather and Textile Technology degree programme. Here are a few impressions of the last excursion to Italy, where a visit to the world's largest trade fair for the textile industry and a tour of the "Stefania" tannery in Castano Primo were on the programme.


At a glance

Bachelor of Engineering

Study Type
Grundständiger Studiengang, Präsenzstudium

Study Model


Applied Logistics and Polymer Sciences

Normal period
7 Semester


 Allgemeine Hochschulreife

Fachgebundene Hochschulreife


Fachhochschulreife an einem Berufskolleg Baden-Würtemberg

Meister oder Techniker

Beruflich Qualifizierte

Genauere Angaben finden Sie unter: https://www.hs-kl.de/studium/bewerbung/voraussetzungen/

Pre Placement

Start Informations

Teaching Language

bis 30. September 2026, Interne Akkreditierung

Why Leather and Textile Engineering (LT) at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern:

Leather and Textile Engineering can only be studied in this combination at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern. Furthermore, an engineering degree in “Leather Processing and Shoe Technology” is unique in Germany as it can only be acquired at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern in Pirmasens.

  • Another special feature is the varied mix of scientific teaching and practical training in a family atmosphere:
  • In small learning groups, you can expect individual support
  • In our modern laboratories, you will apply your theoretical expertise directly in practice
  • Our research projects will give you deep insights into scientific practice and the chance to build up a career network at an early stage
  • Towards the end of your studies, you will choose the topic of your project work according to your own interests
  • You can integrate semester abroad in cooperation with European universities

„After graduating as a textile engineer, I completed a master's degree in textile engineering at the University of Borås in Sweden, where I am now also doing my doctorate. The very good practical training in Pirmasens had enormous advantages for me – also in international comparison with other students."

Sabrina Kopf, Graduate, PhD at the partner university "University of Borås" in Sweden

„The mix of practice-oriented work and scientific teaching is a lot of fun. The opportunity to work on a research project during my studies is also a really good opportunity that I was happy to take. “

Sofia Feuerstein, 6th semester studying Leather and Textile Engineering


„We attach great importance to practice. Our students spend a lot of time in the laboratory, where they can put the theoretical basics, they have learned into practice. As a result, the learning effect is much greater."

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Luisa Medina, Professorship Textile Engineering


„Through direct contact with the students, we can respond individually to their needs in small learning groups and teach very flexibly."

Dipl. Ing. Christian Schwarz, Responsible for the field of study Leather Processing and Shoe Technology

Leather and Textile Engineering offers a research- and application-oriented education for students with an interest in materials science, chemistry, design, and production technology. As part of the training, excellently equipped laboratories are available for research and development.


Already at the time of enrolment, students choose one of the two specializations of Textile Engineering or Leather Processing and Shoe Technology which can be changed until the end of the fourth semester.

In the first two semesters, students from both specializations are taught basic science and subject-specific subjects together. Accordingly, students from both specializations learn all basics of the other one. Subsequent semesters are more focused on the chosen specialization, with overlapping modules continuing to be taught together. Elective modules allow students to tailor their studies to their individual interests.


The combination of courses, which is unique in Germany, is oriented towards the current market requirements and the increased use of weight-reducing and sustainable materials. To impart the knowledge required for this, we’re combining the fundamentals of engineering, materials science and polymer chemistry with practical areas such as quality management, materials testing, CAD design, process digitization, shoe manufacturing and sustainability in the textile and leather industry.


Graduates have the practical and theoretical prerequisites for technical professions in the fields of quality management, materials, and product development. The broad-based degree program also qualifies students for research activities and a consecutive master's degree program followed by a doctorate at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern as well as at other colleges and universities.


  • Basic theoretical and practical training
  • Degree with the professional title of engineer
  • Research projects in modern laboratories at the university
  • Participation in ongoing projects on current research topics
  • Opportunity to spend a semester abroad at universities in Europe
  • Optimal practical transfer through strong regional integration of many companies in the textile and shoe industry

Professional prospects

After graduating with a degree in Leather and Textile Engineering, you will have excellent career opportunities as an engineer in the traditional areas of the textile industry, in shoe production, as well as in the chemical, aviation and automotive industries. Due to the broad basic knowledge and practical training, you can, for example, move into quality management and into material or product development, such as the manufacture of functional clothing, sports shoes, sports equipment or interior trim for cars and aircraft. Alternatively, you can start your career in research or expand your expertise by pursuing a consecutive master's degree and doctorate.


"As a graduate of Textile Engineering at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern, I benefited from the very good training and personal support provided by the lecturers. Today I work in the exciting field of textile chemistry at RUDOLF GROUP and deal with the functionalization of textiles. In particular, I have benefited from the dual study program offered by the University and RUDOLF GROUP in cooperation."

Frank Rosenberger, Technical Business Development Manager, RUDOLF GROUP


Semester abroad

During your studies, you have the opportunity to spend a semester abroad. This not only sharpens your academic profile and promotes your intercultural competence - you improve your foreign language skills, make lots of new friends from all over the world and certainly have a lot of fun. You can choose between several partner universities and countries. The "Integrated Semester Abroad" at the "Swedish School of Textiles" (University of Borås in Sweden) or the Technical University of Liberec (Czech Republic) are particularly suitable for the "Textile Technology" major, as they enable you to complete your degree in the standard period of study.
The International Office will be happy to advise you on the various options.


Questions about the program?

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Luisa Medina

Studiengangsleitung Leder- und Textiltechnik

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Schwarz

Leiter der Studienrichtung „Lederverarbeitung und Schuhtechnik“

Simone Theobald

Prüfungsamt und Studierendensekretariat (PS) Fragen zur Einschreibung