You must re-enroll each semester if you wish to continue to be enrolled as a student and proceed with your studies with us. There is a re-enrollment fee to be paid within the re-enrollment period. This comprises both the social insurance contribution and the tuition fee. You can find more information on the re-enrollment periods at the semester schedule.
Note: If you fail to pay the re-enrollment fee in time, there will be a missed payment fee incurred totaling € 25.00, which must be paid in addition to the semester fee.
Your re-enrollment fee
You can find out how much your re-enrollment fee will cost at the Bewerber- und Studierendenportal under “Studiumsverwaltung” [Course Administration]. Overpayments will be credited to you for the next semester's payment. If you would like a refund, please contact the Studierendensekretariat at your campus.
Darüber hinaus gibt es für Studierende am Campus Kaiserslautern oder Pirmasens die Möglichkeit, gegen Bezahlung eines Upgrades das Semester-Ticket plus Westpfalz oder Deutschlandticket zu erwerben. Für ein Upgrade Ihres Tickets wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an den zuständigen Verkehrsverbund (VRN | Startseite).