Ingenieurwesen (Werkstofftechnik Glas und Keramik) Study courses


Studiengang Abschluss
Werkstofftechnik Glas und Keramik / Grundständiges Studium Bachelor of Engineering


Studiengang Abschluss
Ceramic Science and Engineering / Konsekutives Studium Master of Engineering

Studying Material Sciences

The subject of Materials Engineering emphasizes applications-oriented apsects of materials, which come in the form of ceramics, glasses, metals and polymers. Starting with a knowledge of all types of materials, which is conveyed on a Materials Science basis, the degree course becomes more focused in later stages on a specialised knowledge of ceramics and glasses.

(More details to follow soon!) 

Familie in der Hochschule
Studierendenwerk Koblenz
Weltoffene Hochschulen
Vielfalt statt Einfalt
Hochschulallianz für den Mittelstand
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