How you can help

Your donation is important - but it is not the most important thing. You are more important. Because it is only through your support that we can use your money wisely for the work within the partnership. With your donation you can contribute to concrete help for self-empowerment.

We are pleased that you have placed your trust in us. Your trust is both a mandate and an obligation for us. The partnership works seriously, transparently and professionally so that your donation is an effective help on the way to more equality and justice.

Every kind of donation is valuable for our work. Decide how it suits you best.

A one-time donation can be used specifically for project work in Rwanda. We would be happy to advise you here on how to find a suitable project.
A regular donation gives us the opportunity to support Rwandan partners reliably and on a long-term basis.
A membership in the Partnership strengthens our voice for the One World and lets you participate in our daily events. Please use our membership application form.

We thank you for entrusting your donation to the Rhineland-Palatinate / Rwanda Partnership. Of course, if you wish, you will receive a donation receipt for all donations of 200.00 € or more. Please contact Mrs. Heun (EMAIL) and include your name and address.


Bank details

Verein Partnerschaft Rlp/ Ruanda
Rheinhessen Sparkasse
IBAN: DE57 5535 0010 0200 1057 40


Would you like to contribute to the partnership with Rwanda in a different way?
If you would also like to use your knowledge, skills and gifts for the work of the partnership, we would be happy to advise you. For further information, please see How to get involved and Job offers.