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Der Lehrstuhl für Digitales Marketing untersucht Fragen zur Digitalisierung im Alltag. Durch unsere Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Unternehmen der digitalen Branche bieten wir Zugang zu den neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und Trends in Wissenschaft und Praxis.

Über uns

Wir bieten Expertise u.a. in den folgenden Bereichen:

  • Präferenzmessung bei digitalen Gütern mit z.B. Choice-based Conjoint oder Discrete-Choice-Experimenten (Demo)
  • Kundenmanagement und Ableitung von Handlungsempfehlungen für eine bessere Zielgruppenansprache
  • Online-Marketing für NGOs.

Sie sind ein Unternehmen, das sich für ein geimeinsames Projekt, insbesondere zu Fragen rund um die Digitalisierung, mit uns zusammenschließen möchte? Sie sind Student, am Ende Ihres Studiums, und möchten im Rahmen Ihrer Doktorarbeit zusammen mit einem hochmotivierten Team zu praxisrelevanten und wissenschaftliche spannenden Themen der Digitalisierung forschen? Dann wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an Prof. Dr. Christian Schlereth, hier.

Neuigkeiten aus dem Digitalen Marketing - Informationen zu aktuellen Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten

WHU-Lehrstuhl für Digitales Marketing erhält Best Paper Award

WHU-Lehrstuhl für Digitales Marketing erhält Best Paper Award

Studie über Entscheidungskriterien bei der Wahl des Arbeitsplatzes von Prof. Dr. Christian Schlereth ausgezeichnet

Team offsite event an der HSLU Luzern

Team offsite event an der HSLU Luzern

Vom 2. bis 4. Juli 2024 veranstaltete der Lehrstuhl für Digitales Marketing ein gemeinsames Doktorandenkolloquium mit befreundeten Forschungskollegen…

Teilnahme an der European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC)

Teilnahme an der European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC)

Der Lehrstuhl für Digitales Marketing war mit Forschungsprojekten an der European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) 2024 vertreten.


Unser Team

Dörthe Barlach
Dörthe Barlach
Persönliche Assistentin
Roman Antoschin
Roman Antoschin
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Manuel Weber
Manuel Weber
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Christina Reh
Christina Reh
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Sven Beisecker
Sven Beisecker
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Wichtige Informationen zu Abschlussarbeiten

Der Lehrstuhl für Digitales Marketing bietet eine breite Palette an Themen rund um Digitalisierung und kann Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten betreuen - kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie mehr erfahren möchten. Ein Teil der Kurse und Thesen erfordert den Einsatz von XML-Editoren. Die Lizenzen werden freundlicherweise von Liquid Technologies gesponsert mit ihrer Softwarelösung Liquid XML Studio. Bei der Abfassung Ihrer Abschlussarbeit können Sie sich an folgender Vorlage orientieren, die zudem weitere Informationen enthält:

Vorlage herunterladen

Praxisbezogen, relevant und innovativ – Erkunden Sie Forschungsergebnisse und Publikationen.

Marketing and Sales Group

Beisecker, S., Schlereth, C., Hein, S. (2024), Shades of fake news: how fallacies influence consumers’ perception, European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 33 (1), pp. 41-60.

Marketing and Sales Group

Martin, B., Schlereth, C. (2024), When a crisis has a silver lining: social media p2p fundraising at the start of COVID-19, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 53 (5), pp. 1329-1342.

Marketing and Sales Group

Rheindorf, J., Hagist, C., Schlereth, C., Petry, H. (2024), Getting midwives back to hospitals: a discrete choice experiment, International Journal of Nursing Studies, Vol. 157, 104813.

Marketing and Sales Group


Jungbluth, M., Ulrichshofer, A., Schlereth, C. (2023), In-Store-Customer-Analytics: Messansätze zum besseren Verständnis des ungenutzten Konversionspotenzials, Marketing Review St. Gallen, pp. 54-62.

Marketing and Sales Group

Weiler, M., Stolz, S., Lanz, A., Schlereth, C., Hinz, O. (2022), Social capital accumulation through social media networks: evidence from a randomized field experiment and individual-level panel data, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 46 (2), pp. 771-812.

Marketing and Sales Group

Keller, K., Schlereth, C., Hinz, O. (2021), Sample-based longitudinal discrete choice experiments: preferences of electric vehicles over time, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 49 (3), pp. 482–500.

Marketing and Sales Group

Stolz, S., Schlereth, C. (2021), Predicting tie strength with ego network structures, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 54, pp. 40-52.

Marketing and Sales Group

Online lead generation

Stolz, S., Wisskirchen, K., Schlereth, C., Hoffmann, A. (2021), Online lead generation: an emerging industry, Marketing Review St. Gallen, pp. 32-39.

Marketing and Sales Group

Heidel, A., Hagist, C., Schlereth, C. (2021), Pricing through health apps generated data - digital dividend as a game changer: discrete choice experiment, PLOS ONE, Vol. 16 (7), e0254786.

Marketing and Sales Group

Skiera, B., Schlereth, C., Oetzel, S. (2020), Pricing metrics and the impact of minimum and billing increments, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 23 (3), pp. 321-336.

Marketing and Sales Group

Beisecker, S., Schlereth, C., Hein, S. (2024), Shades of fake news: how fallacies influence consumers’ perception, European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 33 (1), pp. 41-60.

Marketing and Sales Group

Martin, B., Schlereth, C. (2024), When a crisis has a silver lining: social media p2p fundraising at the start of COVID-19, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 53 (5), pp. 1329-1342.

Marketing and Sales Group

Rheindorf, J., Hagist, C., Schlereth, C., Petry, H. (2024), Getting midwives back to hospitals: a discrete choice experiment, International Journal of Nursing Studies, Vol. 157, 104813.

Marketing and Sales Group


Jungbluth, M., Ulrichshofer, A., Schlereth, C. (2023), In-Store-Customer-Analytics: Messansätze zum besseren Verständnis des ungenutzten Konversionspotenzials, Marketing Review St. Gallen, pp. 54-62.

Marketing and Sales Group

Weiler, M., Stolz, S., Lanz, A., Schlereth, C., Hinz, O. (2022), Social capital accumulation through social media networks: evidence from a randomized field experiment and individual-level panel data, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 46 (2), pp. 771-812.

Marketing and Sales Group

Keller, K., Schlereth, C., Hinz, O. (2021), Sample-based longitudinal discrete choice experiments: preferences of electric vehicles over time, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 49 (3), pp. 482–500.

Marketing and Sales Group

Stolz, S., Schlereth, C. (2021), Predicting tie strength with ego network structures, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 54, pp. 40-52.

Marketing and Sales Group

Online lead generation

Stolz, S., Wisskirchen, K., Schlereth, C., Hoffmann, A. (2021), Online lead generation: an emerging industry, Marketing Review St. Gallen, pp. 32-39.

Marketing and Sales Group

Heidel, A., Hagist, C., Schlereth, C. (2021), Pricing through health apps generated data - digital dividend as a game changer: discrete choice experiment, PLOS ONE, Vol. 16 (7), e0254786.

Marketing and Sales Group

Skiera, B., Schlereth, C., Oetzel, S. (2020), Pricing metrics and the impact of minimum and billing increments, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 23 (3), pp. 321-336.

Book, Dr. Kovac, Hamburg

Gewinnoptimale Preisgestaltung von internetbasierten Diensten.

Schlereth, Christian (2010)
Book chapter, Gabler Verlag, 225-243, Wiesbaden

DISE: Dynamic Intelligent Survey Engine, in: Quantitative Marketing and Marketing Management. Marketing Models and Methods in Theory and Practice.

Schlereth, Christian / Skiera, Bernd (2012)
Book, Dr. Kovac, Hamburg

Gewinnoptimale Preisgestaltung von internetbasierten Diensten.

Schlereth, Christian (2010)
Book chapter, Gabler Verlag, 225-243, Wiesbaden

DISE: Dynamic Intelligent Survey Engine, in: Quantitative Marketing and Marketing Management. Marketing Models and Methods in Theory and Practice.

Schlereth, Christian / Skiera, Bernd (2012)
Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems

“You Can’t Always Get What You Want”: Examining Employees Preferences and Job Satisfaction in Agile Transformation

Fischer, Mareike / Heinz, Matthias / Schlereth, Christian / Rosenkranz, Christoph (2023)
Proceedings of the 45th Marketing Science Conference

Coupons on Online and Offline Purchase Behaviour

Reh, Christina / Schlereth, Christian / Lambrecht, Anja (2023)
Proceedings of the 45th Marketing Science Conference

Using In-Store Analytics to Bridge the Purchase Intention and Behavior Gap at the Point of Sale

Ulrichshofer, Anna / Jungbluth, Michael / Schlereth, Christian (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

The Effectiveness of Sustainable Marketing Messages: Trading Off Sustainability and Conventional Product Attributes

Schnabel, Lukas / Martin, Beatrice / Reh, Christina / Schlereth, Christian / Schmitz, Anna-Karina (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

Ethical and Effective Fundraising Communication – an Oxymoron?

Antoschin, Roman / Schlereth, Christian / Eckert, Christine / Erlebach, Hannah (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

Incentivizing User Input for Data Enrichment

Beisecker, Sven / Schlereth, Christian (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

Coupons on Online and Offline Purchase Behaviour

Reh, Christina / Schlereth, Christian / Lambrecht, Anja (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

Using In-Store Analytics to Bridge the Purchase Intention and Behavior Gap at the Point of Sale

Ulrichshofer, Anna / Jungbluth, Michael / Schlereth, Christian (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

Managing Social Media P2P Fundraising

Schlereth, Christian / Martin, Beatrice / Skiera, Bernd (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

Text vs. Speech Analysis – Detecting Sentiment of Customer Calls

Weber, Manuel / Schlereth, Christian (2023)
Proceedings of the 51th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Budapest, Ungarn

Integrating Brand Equity in MMM for a Long-term Ad Effectiveness Measurement

Reh, Christina / Fichtner, Konstanze / Schlereth, Christian / Müller-Klockmann, Torsten / Weber, Manuel (2022)
Proceedings of the 50th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Madrid, Spain

Social Capital Accumulation in Career Networks

Weiler, Michael / Stolz, Simon / Lanz, Andreas / Schlereth, Christian / Hinz, Oliver (2021) - Online
Proceedings of the 50th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Madrid, Spain

Threshold Determination Using Extensions of Best-Worst Scaling

Beisecker, Sven / Schlereth, Christian / Eggers, Felix (2021) - Online
Proceedings of the 50th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Madrid, Spain

How did the COVID-19 crisis change the social media peer-to-peer fundraising landscape?

Martin, Béatrice / Schlereth, Christian (2021) - Online
Proceedings of the 50th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Madrid, Spain

Effectiveness of Online-only Coupons on Online and Offline Channels

Reh, Christina Antonie / Schlereth, Christian (2021) - Online
Proceedings of the 42nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Duke University, Fuqua, America

How Conversions in Freemium Businesses Impact User Activity.

Stolz, Simon / Schlereth, Christian / Lanz, Andreas (2020) - via Zoom
Proceedings of the 49th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Budapest, Hungary

Is social media peer-to-peer fundraising a curse or a blessing? Analysing the factors that affect the donation amount.

Martin, Beatrice / Schlereth, Christian (2020) - cancelled
Proceedings of the 49th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Budapest, Hungary

How Conversions in Freemium Businesses Impact User Activity.

Stolz, Simon / Schlereth, Christian / Lanz, Andreas (2020) - cancelled
Proceedings of the 49th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Budapest, Hungary

Threshold Determination Using Extensions of Best-Worst Scaling.

Beisecker, Sven / Schlereth, Christian (2020) - cancelled
Proceedings of the 41st INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome, Italy

How Conversions in Freemium Businesses Impact User Activity.

Stolz, Simon / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2019)
Proceedings of the 48th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Universität Hamburg

How Freemium Pricing Affects User Activity.

Stolz, Simon / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2019)
Proceedings of the 47th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Glasgow, UK

15 Shades of Fake News.

Schlereth, Christian / Hein, Sebastian (2018)
Proceedings of the 47th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Glasgow, UK

Finding the Right Balance for Marketing Activities Between First-Lifetime and Reacquired Customers.

Schlereth, Christian / Kreische, Joséphine / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2018)
Proceedings of the 47th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Glasgow, UK

Predicting Tie Strength With Ego Network Structures.

Schlereth, Christian / Stolz, Simon (2018)
Informs Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles

Measuring Preferences Based On Attribute Exploration.

Hein, Sebastian / Schlereth, Christian (2017)
Informs Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles

Are Reacquired Customers Really that Valuable? – Finding the Right Balance Between New and Reacquired Customers.

Süptitz, Joséphine / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2017)
Digital Marketing Conference, Passau

Valuable Zombies: How Customers Contribute to CLV After Their 'Death'.

Süptitz, Joséphine / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2016)
Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Oslo, Norway

Product Newness: Determinants and Outcomes from the Consumer's Perspective at the Point-of-Sale.

Huang, Modan / Fassnacht, Martin / Schlereth, Christian (2016)
Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Oslo, Norway

Quick and Easy Measurement of Attribute Importance Weights with Restricted-Click-Stream Analysis: An Empirical Comparison with Established Methods

Hein, Sebastian / Schlereth, Christian / Schulz, Fabian (2016)
Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Oslo, Norway

Valuable Zombies: How Customers Contribute to CLV After Their 'Death'.

Süptitz, Joséphine / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2016)
Theory and Practice in Marketing, Houston, Texas

Valuable Zombies: How Customers Contribute to CLV After Their 'Death'.

Süptitz, Joséphine / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2016)
University of Cologne

Valuable Zombies: How Customers Contribute to CLV After Their 'Death'.

Süptitz, Joséphine / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2016)
Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems

“You Can’t Always Get What You Want”: Examining Employees Preferences and Job Satisfaction in Agile Transformation

Fischer, Mareike / Heinz, Matthias / Schlereth, Christian / Rosenkranz, Christoph (2023)
Proceedings of the 45th Marketing Science Conference

Coupons on Online and Offline Purchase Behaviour

Reh, Christina / Schlereth, Christian / Lambrecht, Anja (2023)
Proceedings of the 45th Marketing Science Conference

Using In-Store Analytics to Bridge the Purchase Intention and Behavior Gap at the Point of Sale

Ulrichshofer, Anna / Jungbluth, Michael / Schlereth, Christian (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

The Effectiveness of Sustainable Marketing Messages: Trading Off Sustainability and Conventional Product Attributes

Schnabel, Lukas / Martin, Beatrice / Reh, Christina / Schlereth, Christian / Schmitz, Anna-Karina (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

Ethical and Effective Fundraising Communication – an Oxymoron?

Antoschin, Roman / Schlereth, Christian / Eckert, Christine / Erlebach, Hannah (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

Incentivizing User Input for Data Enrichment

Beisecker, Sven / Schlereth, Christian (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

Coupons on Online and Offline Purchase Behaviour

Reh, Christina / Schlereth, Christian / Lambrecht, Anja (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

Using In-Store Analytics to Bridge the Purchase Intention and Behavior Gap at the Point of Sale

Ulrichshofer, Anna / Jungbluth, Michael / Schlereth, Christian (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

Managing Social Media P2P Fundraising

Schlereth, Christian / Martin, Beatrice / Skiera, Bernd (2023)
Proceedings of the 52th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark

Text vs. Speech Analysis – Detecting Sentiment of Customer Calls

Weber, Manuel / Schlereth, Christian (2023)
Proceedings of the 51th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Budapest, Ungarn

Integrating Brand Equity in MMM for a Long-term Ad Effectiveness Measurement

Reh, Christina / Fichtner, Konstanze / Schlereth, Christian / Müller-Klockmann, Torsten / Weber, Manuel (2022)
Proceedings of the 50th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Madrid, Spain

Social Capital Accumulation in Career Networks

Weiler, Michael / Stolz, Simon / Lanz, Andreas / Schlereth, Christian / Hinz, Oliver (2021) - Online
Proceedings of the 50th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Madrid, Spain

Threshold Determination Using Extensions of Best-Worst Scaling

Beisecker, Sven / Schlereth, Christian / Eggers, Felix (2021) - Online
Proceedings of the 50th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Madrid, Spain

How did the COVID-19 crisis change the social media peer-to-peer fundraising landscape?

Martin, Béatrice / Schlereth, Christian (2021) - Online
Proceedings of the 50th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Madrid, Spain

Effectiveness of Online-only Coupons on Online and Offline Channels

Reh, Christina Antonie / Schlereth, Christian (2021) - Online
Proceedings of the 42nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Duke University, Fuqua, America

How Conversions in Freemium Businesses Impact User Activity.

Stolz, Simon / Schlereth, Christian / Lanz, Andreas (2020) - via Zoom
Proceedings of the 49th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Budapest, Hungary

Is social media peer-to-peer fundraising a curse or a blessing? Analysing the factors that affect the donation amount.

Martin, Beatrice / Schlereth, Christian (2020) - cancelled
Proceedings of the 49th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Budapest, Hungary

How Conversions in Freemium Businesses Impact User Activity.

Stolz, Simon / Schlereth, Christian / Lanz, Andreas (2020) - cancelled
Proceedings of the 49th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Budapest, Hungary

Threshold Determination Using Extensions of Best-Worst Scaling.

Beisecker, Sven / Schlereth, Christian (2020) - cancelled
Proceedings of the 41st INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome, Italy

How Conversions in Freemium Businesses Impact User Activity.

Stolz, Simon / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2019)
Proceedings of the 48th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Universität Hamburg

How Freemium Pricing Affects User Activity.

Stolz, Simon / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2019)
Proceedings of the 47th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Glasgow, UK

15 Shades of Fake News.

Schlereth, Christian / Hein, Sebastian (2018)
Proceedings of the 47th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Glasgow, UK

Finding the Right Balance for Marketing Activities Between First-Lifetime and Reacquired Customers.

Schlereth, Christian / Kreische, Joséphine / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2018)
Proceedings of the 47th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Glasgow, UK

Predicting Tie Strength With Ego Network Structures.

Schlereth, Christian / Stolz, Simon (2018)
Informs Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles

Measuring Preferences Based On Attribute Exploration.

Hein, Sebastian / Schlereth, Christian (2017)
Informs Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles

Are Reacquired Customers Really that Valuable? – Finding the Right Balance Between New and Reacquired Customers.

Süptitz, Joséphine / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2017)
Digital Marketing Conference, Passau

Valuable Zombies: How Customers Contribute to CLV After Their 'Death'.

Süptitz, Joséphine / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2016)
Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Oslo, Norway

Product Newness: Determinants and Outcomes from the Consumer's Perspective at the Point-of-Sale.

Huang, Modan / Fassnacht, Martin / Schlereth, Christian (2016)
Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Oslo, Norway

Quick and Easy Measurement of Attribute Importance Weights with Restricted-Click-Stream Analysis: An Empirical Comparison with Established Methods

Hein, Sebastian / Schlereth, Christian / Schulz, Fabian (2016)
Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Oslo, Norway

Valuable Zombies: How Customers Contribute to CLV After Their 'Death'.

Süptitz, Joséphine / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2016)
Theory and Practice in Marketing, Houston, Texas

Valuable Zombies: How Customers Contribute to CLV After Their 'Death'.

Süptitz, Joséphine / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2016)
University of Cologne

Valuable Zombies: How Customers Contribute to CLV After Their 'Death'.

Süptitz, Joséphine / Schlereth, Christian / Hofmann-Stölting, Christina (2016)

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Digitales Marketing in Bewegung – Zuschauen, zuhören und mehr erfahren

Forschung, Interviews und Lehre

Diese Videos bieten Einblick in die verschiedenen Tätigkeitsbereiche des Lehrstuhls. Forschung, Lehre und Interviews mit führenden Persönlichkeiten im Bereich Digitales Marketing, darunter der Hochschulgruppe WHU Inside Business.


Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung bietet Stipendien für Studierende mit außergewöhnlichen akademischen Leistungen und herausragendem politischen oder gesellschaftlichen Engagement. Seit 2016 ist Prof. Dr. Christian Schlereth Vertrauensdozent der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und betreut die Stipendiatengruppe im Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorandenprogramm in der Region Koblenz.

Kontaktieren Sie uns -

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Nachricht.
Dörthe Barlach
Dörthe Barlach
Persönliche Assistentin

Unser Standort

Lehrstuhl für Digitales Marketing
WHU Campus Vallendar
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Burgplatz 2
D-56179 Vallendar
WHU Campus Vallendar
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