Short biography:
Malte Brettel studied industrial engineering at the TU Darmstadt, majoring in mechanical engineering. He received his doctorate and habilitation from WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar.
After completing his studies, Malte Brettel worked as a management consultant for several years. In 1999 he founded the company JustBooks, today ABEBooks, managing it as CEO and managing director. After leaving the company, he founded further companies and was thus able to gain further entrepreneurial experience.
Since October 2003, Malte Brettel is holding the Chair of Economics for Engineers and Natural Scientists and heads the Start-up Center at RWTH Aachen University. Previously, he was acting director of the Chair of International Entrepreneurship at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management for two years. Since 2011, Malte Brettel has been back at WHU part-time, being responsible for the Chair of Entrepreneurship II.