Museum Ingrid Munzinger - Puppets and doll-houses, Kottweiler-Schwanden
The Collection Munzinger shows exhibits from he world of dolls from the year 1900 until today: antique dolls, dolls from different producers and lables and also exhibits from diffenrent materials of porcelain over „mass“, celluloid and vinyl. The collection also shows doll accessories and doll-houses from the last century until today.
Since 1984 Ingrid Munzinger has been producing in her own manufactury reproductions of antique porcelain-dolls in the traditional way. Mrs. Munzinger also designs teddy bears from mohair; for which she has received numerous prizes. On demand, Ingrid Munzinger will organize special tours in the doll-studio and will show step by step the emergence of a doll as a handmade reproduction, aqccording to an ancient model.
Information: Ingrid and Willi Munzinger, phone: 06371/5302, fax: 06371/57499, munzinger-ingrid(at)t-online(dot)de, Steinwendener Straße 30, 66879 Kottweiler-Schwanden
Museum 1. FCK (soccer club of Kaiserslautern), Kaiserslautern
The club started with the museum as a project of the hundred year old history of the soccer club in Kaiserslautern. Hereos, myth, successes and anecdotes – the exhibition is a living documentation.
The special concept is the motto „fans will guide fans“. The ambition is, to inspire the visitors for the history of the club. The voluntary service of the members of the boosterclub „Initiative Leidenschaft e.V.“ offers guided tours under different individual local points.
Open: Changing opening times! Detailed information under, or you can call Monday till Friday 9.00 – 17.00 hrs.
Information: phone: 0631/3188-1900, Fritz-Walter-Straße 1, East tribune, entrance block 18, first floor, 67663 Kaiserslautern
Museum of local history:„Wie’s frieher wor“ Farming, handcraft, distillery, Lambsborn
Our small museum on the former hayloft of the farm shows old agricultural implements and articels of daily use. Also a former farmhouse room is lovingly furnished. The potatoes, the potato distillery and their history are key aspects by the guided tour in the museum and the farm. Open on demand.
Information: phone: 06372/7934 and 06372/5090030, E-Mail: kgortner(at)t-online(dot)de, Talstraße 9, 66894 Lambsborn
50ccm-museum in Sembach oldtimermuseum for mopeds, Sembach
The private 50ccm-museum Nachtigall is located in the former bunker at the USAirbase Sembach. The brothers Christian and Helmuth Nachtigall show more than 200 motor cycles with 50ccm engines, all examples from the early fifties tot he end oft he seventies and also a selection of very curious vehicles.
Information: Christian and Helmuth Nachtigall, Teichberg 18, 67681 Wartenberg/Rohrbach, phone: 06302/983827 or cell phone: 0178/2176103,, E-Mail: info(at)50ccm-museum(dot)de, Williamsroad 24, Gebäude 327, behind former aircraft-tower, 67681 Sembach
Museum Sickingen Heights, Queidersbach
The museum is located in the historic town hall dating from 1836. The collection of more than 3,000 objects includes regional finds from prehistory and ancient history as well as a select coin collection from different periods. Well-preserved workshops of typical regional professions offer a vivid view of history.
Information: Tourist office Kaiserslautern-Süd, phone: 0631/2016135
Private museum for vacuum cleaner, Bruchmühlbach-Miesau
The exibition - located in Pfühlstr. 15 - shows the processing of the history over decades, not only vacuum claeners, also the accessories and auxilary equipment for car-painting, air freshener or oxygen transfer while washing for example. The technical background for low-pressure, ventiation system performance and cruise will be shown in an interesting way.
The oldest example ist made in 1922.
Entrance free
Information: Opening hours and guided groups are possible on demand by phone 06372/5090051 or 0152/09464241 Mr. Steffgen or 0178/6681244, Mr. Monecke,
Docu Center, Ramstein
Docu- and Exibitioncenter showing the history of the American Community in Ramstein and the Rhine-Palatinate after 2nd world war.
Information: Tourist office Ramstein-Miesenbach, phone: 06371/838005, E-Mail: info(at)dc-ramstein(dot)de,
Eisenhüttenmuseum (Ironworks museum), Trippstadt
The museum illustrates the history of iron smelting from the Thirty Years' War to the end of the 19th century. Demonstrations of the blacksmith's craft are given in the former village smithy.
Information: Tourist office Trippstadt, phone: 06306/341
Museum of railway control center, Otterbach
Directly at the railroadcrossing in straight to Erfenbach is the museum of the railway control center. In 1911 the control center was built at the trainstation Lampertsmühle-Otterbach. Since restructuring to defense electronic in December 2005 there is no need by the railwaytraffic. The guides are real "Railroader", who explain all details to tourists.
Information: Tourist office Otterbach, phone: 06301/607260
Private museum specializing in perfume, Baalborn
The museum of perfume is located on the areal of the Company Grün, producing perfume and cosmetics.
Westpfälzer Musikantenmuseum (Musicians' museum), Mackenbach
From the middle of the 19th century to around World War II, poor economic conditions caused up to 2,500 musicians from the region to set out into the world each year to earn a living for themselves and their families.
The museum offers fascinating documents of the history of music making in the Western Palatinate.
Information: phone: 06374/6475, 06374/8010791 or 06374/6114
Beerenwein (pear wine) Museum, Eulenbis
The museum offers material and information around the pear wine, a traditional drink in the Western Palatinate. The centerpiece of the pear wine museum is an authentic fruit press made of sandstone.
Information: Beerenwein Museum, phone: 06374/1310 or Tourist office Weilerbach, phone: 06374/922131
Reinhard-Blauth Museum, Weilerbach
This museum of local history shows archaeological finds from the Neolithic period and the time of the Celts and Romans, altar bibles from the 18th century, and craft and farm implements from the 19th century.
Information: Rheinhard-Blauth-Museum, phone: 06374/1697 or 992909
Motorradmuseum (motorcycle museum), Otterbach
The former Protestant church in Otterbach houses a large collection of historically important motorcycles of the racer Heinz Luthringshauser. In 1970 he was the German Champion in the 500 ccm sidecar class, in 1972 runner-up in the world championship and in 1974 the winner of the "Tourist Trophy", the hardest road race in the world.
Information: Phone: 06301/2367 or Tourist office Otterbach, phone: 06301/607260
Heimatmuseum (museum of local history), Otterberg
The museum of local history is located in the "Old Townhouse". The baroque building dates from 1753. The slightly older bell in the baroque tower, from 1742, used to be rung when a fire had broken out. The 18th century clock in the mansard still announces the time.
Information: Tourist office Otterberg, phone: 06301/31504
"Old Smithy Theis", Otterberg
The old smithy Theis is one of the oldest blacksmith's shops in the state. For centuries the building from 1612 housed the smithy that came into possession of the Theis family in 1790. It is now operated as a museum smithy.
Information: Tourist office Otterberg, phone: 06301/31504
Museum im Westrich, Ramstein
The Museum im Westrich is located in the former townhall, the oldest building of the town. The baroque structure from the middle of the 18th century used to house a brewery and a guesthouse. The permanent exhibition presents interesting objects and information about the past; in addition there are changing special exhibitions about current topics and art exhibitions.
Information: Museum im Westrich, phone: 06371/592177
Bajasseum (Circusmuseum), Enkenbach-Alsenborn
The small exhibition illustrates the history of the local circus performers which has its origins in the economic crises of the 19th century. People from Alsenborn would tour the country in summer as musicians, puppet players and acrobats. In winter they would live off the money they had brought in.
Information: Tourist office Enkenbach-Alsenborn, phone: 06303/913171
Theodor-Zink Museum, Kaiserslautern
In the upper rooms of the museum founded by Theodor Zink, folkloristic and arts and crafts objects of its collection are on permanent display. The downstairs area is the place for changing exhibitions.
Information: Theodor-Zink-Museum, phone: 0631/3652327
Pfalzgalerie, Kaiserslautern
The emphasis of the Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern nowadays lies mainly on the care and presentation of paintings and sculptures of the 19th to 21st century.
Information: Pfalzgalerie, phone: 0631/3647201
Sickingen-Museum, Landstuhl
The museum located in the former tithe barn is devoted to Franz von Sickingen as a person, his political and intellectual development and the historic background.
Information: Touristinformation Sickingen tourism Landstuhl, phone: 06371/1300012