BORROWED IDENTITIES: As a preparation for the proposed European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008 the project Borrowed Identities aims at creating an intercultural learning environment based on virtual and real mobility. The multi-disciplinary project is targeted to Business, Technical and Humanities students in Germany, Sweden, Spain, UK and Hungary and will focus on combining computer mediated academic work, face-to-face meetings and intercultural communication. You can find more information and a day-by-day travelog of the excursion to Achill Island here.
'ABSOLUTELY INTERCULTURAL!' is, as far as we know, the first podcast in the world to deal with intercultural issues. We'll be releasing a new episode every second Friday evening, looking at all intercultural aspects of human intercultural communication. For example, we'll be hearing from students on foreign work placements, looking at intercultural aspects of the forthcoming World Cup, asking how teachers can make use of intercultural exercises and simulations in their classroom and sharing with you any intercultural gossip we come across. 'absolutely intercultural!' won't be so much about passing on information but more about starting an intercultural dialogue between the makers, and you, the contributors and listeners.
"'TEACHING CULTURE!' Teacher Training in Intercultural Awareness!" brings together twelve partners from eight European countries: Austria, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Lithuania, Spain and Sweden. The project provides a training course which aims at enabling teachers in adult education to deal with intercultural issues in the growing European community. The partners share their expertise in fields ranging from adult education and teacher training to online learning and cultural education.