Experience Reports Prof. Dr. Nils Rauhut (CCU) 2008

Experiencing a US-style classroom environment at RheinAhrCampus!

One important aspect of internationalising the academic experience of RheinAhrCampus students is inviting visiting lecturers from our partner universities to teach courses that expand our core curriculum. Faculty visits like this are welcomed by the university and our student alike.

Thus, it was a great pleasure for our the Faculty of Business and Social Management to welcome Prof. Dr. Nils Rauhut for the 2008 summer semester. By using teaching methods, media and assessment methods commonly used in the USA, he provided RheinAhrCampus students with some valuable impressions of the academic environment in the United States. The students embraced this offer with great enthusiasm.

This is what one of the students in Philosophy of Economics (Diplom elective) said about the outcome of this faculty visit: "We were sensitized to ethical and moral questions which will have an impact on our future professional lives. The intensive discussions about the topics we covered increased our understanding of the complex issues - and although we covered quite a lot of ground, we never had the feeling of working under time pressure."

However, the impact of Prof. Rauhut's visit was not restricted to these in-class activities. His stay at RheinAhrCampus was embedded into our long-standing cooperation activities with Coastal Carolina University and Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. The exchange activities include a highly successful Summer School Program and a successful student exchange for study abroad. Prof. Rauhut took an active role in the pre-departure orientation of our Summer School participants and our study abroad students - thus providing a direct link to Coastal Carolina University on campus!

Thanks a lot - and please come again at some stage!

Familie in der Hochschule
Studierendenwerk Koblenz
Weltoffene Hochschulen
Vielfalt statt Einfalt
Hochschulallianz für den Mittelstand
Jetzt bewerben