What to do before you leave
- Once you have received your signed Learning Agreement you can apply for a student visa (Visa for Educational Purposes – if you are a NON-EU-Citizen)
- Plan your travels and book your flight (after obtaining your visa)
- Buy medication if needed (exchange students for the whole stay in Germany)
- Apply for a credit/debit card
- Pay all fees, e.g. the semester-fee (fee for student union and social fee)
- Inform the International Office or your designated student guide (see mail with contactdata) of your arrival day and time: IO(aT)hs-kl.de, John.Bui(aT)hs-kl.de
What you need to bring with you
- Passport, valid for the entire stay in Germany (plus 6 months for students from overseas); EU citizens and students from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland need their ID card
- Student Visa if needed
- Your signed Learning Agreement from University of Applied Sciences and all required documents (proof of health insurance and proof of language competence)
Additional things to bring with you
- Vaccination report
- International drivers‘ license or a notarized translation of your national drivers‘ license
- Additional travel documents (plane tickets)
- Confirmation of reservation of the student’s residence
- Credit card
- Information of all of your medication in English
- Important telephone numbers: bank, credit card, emergency contact
- Two copies of important documents (passport, plane tickets …) – one set of copies stays at home, one travels with you
- Clothing: German winter temperatures easily go below freezing. So don’t forget warm winter jackets
Beatrice Melendez
International Office
- +49 631 3724-5517Beatrice.Melendez(at)hs-kl(dot)de
- Campus Zweibrücken
- Room C118
Christina Zähringer
International Office
- +49 631 3724-5576christina.zaehringer(at)hs-kl(dot)de
- Campus Zweibrücken
- Room C 118