Talent meets funding - The Deutschlandstipendium

The federal government first launched a nationwide funding program to promote young talent in the 2011 summer semester.
Since the 2011/2012 winter semester, this program has also been utilized at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern to offer gifted and dedicated students with an additional option for funding their studies.
To begin with, the funding recipients receive financial support amounting to 300 euros a month for one year. The federal government contributes one euro to this fund for every euro provided by the university. 

Further information

Darüber hinaus bietet Frau Jovic die folgenden Info-Termine zum Deutschlandstipendium an:

  • Montag, den 10.06.2024, ab 18 Uhr
  • Mittwoch, den 12.06.2024, ab 18 Uhr
  • Montag, den 08.07.2024, ab 18 Uhr
  • Mittwoch, den 10.07.2024, ab 18 Uhr
  • Mittwoch, den 24.07.2024, ab 18 Uhr

Die Termine finden jeweils ohne Anmeldung online über BBB statt: https://bbb.rlp.net/rooms/jov-k12-mcm-l5p/join

E-Mail-Anfragen bitte an: deutschlandstipendium(at)hs-kl(dot)de


Please send e-mail enquiries to: deutschlandstipendium@hs-kl.de

Olivera Jovic, M.A.

Stipendiaten & Bewerber

10 Jahre Deutschlandstipendium - Dankeschön