International Possibilities in the Department for Applied Engineering

The Faculty of Applied Engineering Sciences offers its students a constantly growing number of international opportunities of varying duration. From shorter mobilities, e.g. summer schools, to study abroad programmes lasting several semesters with a double degree at a partner university, you will find offers here.

We keep the offers up to date, so please check back regularly or get information from our contact persons.


Master Mechanical Engineering /Mechatronics

Our Master's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering / Mechatronics is international and can also be completed entirely in English.


Double Degree in our Master's Programme Mechanical Engineering / Mechatronics

Double Degree with University West (Högskolan Väst) / Sweden in our Master's Degree Programme Mechanical Engineering / Mechatronics


BIP Decarbonisation Strategies in Process Engineering

Blended Intensive Programme in Process Engineering with 5 International Partner Universities



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