For organisational questions regarding your stay abroad, such as application or funding opportunities, the International Office team - depending on your university location - will be happy to assist you.
If you have any questions regarding the content of your studies abroad, such as the selection of a suitable study programme, please contact your departmental coordinator as your first point of contact.
If you have any questions regarding the recognition of credits earned abroad, please contact the module coordinators. You can find further information under Recognition
There are many reasons for a stay abroad. You could...
- get to know other countries and cultures
- strengthen your intercultural competence
- change one's academic outlook
- improve your foreign language skills
- establish and maintain international contacts
- strengthen your independence
- improve your future career opportunities
Usually you will study abroad for 1-2 semesters.
The minimum duration for a semester abroad in the framework of an Erasmus grant is 90 days.
In total, you can be funded for up to 12 months during each phase of your studies.
No. With good planning, your studies will usually not be prolonged, since your achievements from abroad will be credited by the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences. Your departmental coordinator will be happy to help you select suitable modules that you can take abroad.
In case a stay abroad should unexpectedly extend your study time, we still consider studying abroad an enriching experience that can bring many advantages for your personal development and your later career path. You should therefore never see a semester abroad as a loss of time, but as an enrichment.
All funding opportunities and scholarships that the International Office awards to students of Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences for a stay abroad can be found under Funding
Bitte beachten Sie die Voraussetzungen für Ihr Auslandsstudium:
- Sie sind an der Hochschule Kaiserslautern immatrikuliert
- Sie befinden sich nicht im 3. Prüfungsversuch
- Sie verfügen über ausreichende Kenntnisse der Lehrsprache der Gasthochschule (in der Regel mindestens Niveau B1)
- Im Bachelor-Studium: Sie haben zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung das erste Studienjahr abgeschlossen bzw. mindestens 60 ECTS erreicht
You can find the respective language of instruction for your studies abroad in the overview of our partner universities Almost all partner universities offer courses in English.
As a rule, your language skills in the respective teaching language must be at least at level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
If you are funded by Erasmus, you will take an online language test on the teaching language before and after your stay abroad. This test documents your language development during your studies abroad. However, the language test is not used as a selection criterion for your stay abroad. Depending on the result of the first language test, you can take part in an online language course free of charge during your studies abroad.
You need a health insurance for your studies abroad.
If you are studying in another European country, German health insurance is usually sufficient. Contact your health insurance company for detailed information.
Before travelling to non-European countries, you should find out about the benefits of your health insurance in the respective country. Many insurance companies offer special international health insurance for students.
You should also clarify other insurance coverage, such as liability and accident insurance.
The DAAD recommends the following insurance policies
If you would like to have your academic achievements recognised, you should discuss this with the individual module coordinators or your depatmental coordinatorbefore your stay abroad (see Learning Agreement).
As a rule, you will have to choose between 22 and 30 ECTS per semester abroad.
If you do not pass exams during your studies abroad, you will not be able to have these achievements recognized by the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences.
Yes, you can usually still change individual modules in your signed Learning Agreement. If, for example, you discover on site that a selected module is not offered after all or that there are unexpected deviations.
Changes to your curriculum must be re-arranged within 4 weeks using the "Change Form". You can obtain the form from the International Office at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences.
Yes, if you want to extend your studies abroad, you have to apply for an extension at the International Office of the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences at least one month before the end of the originally planned mobility period.
Yes, you can also choose another international university for your studies abroad than the partner universities of the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences. In this case you are a so-called freemover and have to reckon with a significantly higher organisational effort as well as tuition fees.
We therefore recommend our partner universities
Yes. The enrollment at the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences during your studies abroad is mandatory. Please re-register in time before your stay abroad for the corresponding semester.
No. As a rule, you do not take a semester off for the time of your stay abroad, as otherwise you cannot be credited for the accomplishments you perform during a semester of leave.
Exception: Only if the modules of the host university cannot be credited to your studies or if you are taking an additional semester abroad, it is advisable to apply for a semester off in advance.
An application for a semester of leave must be submitted by the start of lectures.
If you have any questions, please contact the examination office for your degree programme.