About us
There are many reasons to learn a foreign language today. Not only does it make you more appealing to potential employers in all lines of work today, but the ability to speak a second, third or even fourth language competently is a huge asset in our multicultural world.
The Centre for Communication Studies is a new unit at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences set up to promote language learning and intercultural communication for students and staff at the RMC and WW campuses.
The Centre plans to introduce courses in a number of global languages over the coming semesters and will start in SS 2017 with not only a selection of courses for English and German, but also beginner courses in Arabic, French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Russian and Turkish. Our aim is to develop both the communicative and cultural competencies of the course participants.
The Centre will also offer seminars and short courses focusing on specific skill sets such as presentation skills, academic writing and understanding intercultural communication.