Press Conference of GreenErasmus-RheinAhrCampus

With 75 guests from 8 different countries and 16 speakers, the Press Conference took place on June 22, 2021, via Zoom. Watch the video below to see the highlights of this event and read a short overview by GreenErasmus-RheinAhrCampus: 

We heard from the founders and members of GreenErasmus-RheinAhrCampus where the project started and where it is now. Natalia Obikhod, the leader of the project shared her personal admiration: ”How amazing it is that GreenErasmus-RheinAhrCampus brought us all together to create a greener future for all students all over the world! And how wonderful it feels to be a part of it!”

We were delighted to welcome Wendy Brawer, founder, and director of the Green Map Organization, Bogdan Szabo, from the GIS Collective, and Alexandra Casapu, the creator of Open Green Map 2. They all supported us much while working on the Open Green Map 2 platform, on which the GreenMap of Remagen, Tbilisi, Baku, and Campina Grande was created.

Lars Felder, Adika Pashayeva, Ariana Elezi, Elene Mikeladze and many more students who contributed into the project told us their stories full of challenges, enthusiasm, and personal improvements. We also heard from the participants of the GreenChallenge from more than 10 countries! Many partner lecturers such as from Albania and Australia shared their desire to be a part of the GreenErasmus projects and create with their students the GreenMap in their university cities. 

Thank you to all the guests and speakers who contributed to this beautiful event organized by our exchange and local RheinAhrCampus students, we were happy to see you all there, and cannot wait till our next contributions to a green future!


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