Summer School Caucasus

Summer School Caucasus

International Summer School in the Caucasus Region

International Summer School in the Caucasus Region

HS Koblenz, University of Applied Sciences, has developed some extremely attractive and active cooperation schemes with universities located in the Caucasus region - especially in Georgia and Azerbaijan. As a result of this cooperation, the idea of a regular summer school exchange was born - and it has developed into a very useful tool to promote cooperation at student and faculty level.

A summer school "off the beaten track"

The International Summer School in the Caucasus Region has been offered on campus every year starting in 2016 - and its popularity with students has increased continually. One of the reasons why this short-term exchange is so successful is the fact that it may help students to determine whether a long-term study abroad period or an internship abroad might be a feasible option for them. In fact, many of the students who complete this program successfully embark on other study-related international activities at a later stage during their studies. Exchange at teaching staff level is another aspect of the cooperation activities.

Find out more!

Please visit the documentation of our past summer schools on the Internet! 


Gefördert durch das Auswärtige Amt sowie durch den DAAD aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF).

We gratefully acknowledge the support provided by the Federal Foreign Office and the German Academic Exchange Service (with funds provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research).

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