5 Months of Magic

5 Months of Magic

Issa from Jordan, Summer Semester 2016

If you had asked me before I came to Germany what do I expect from my stay here? My answer would have been “I’m going with no expectation. Just an open heart and mind, and the intention of both Creating as much as I can & Exploring as much as I can.” And since I’ve stepped foot in this beautiful country I’ve been doing loads of both, and I’m forever grateful for every single moment.

The first few weeks here were all about adjustments. Completely different life when someone lives on their own in a new country. But I made it an intentional decision to live in a beautiful state no matter what and enjoy the process. After the adjustment period things only brightened up more and more. And the corner stone of all the stories and beautiful memories I’ve been creating are the crazy spectacular bunch of beautiful people I was fortunate enough to surround myself with. The funny part is I was worried about making friends here before I got here. I’ve never been so wrong.

Those people would turn out to be my friends that would later turn into my extended family. Whether it was Azerbaijan, Finland, Jordan, Lithuania, or Spain, I know that whenever I hear these countries names my heart would dance a little bit of joy because it will remind me of a person I love.  These were the people that I’ve lived with, travelled with, annoyed, drove a little crazy from time to time, but most importantly loved, still love, and will always love no matter how big the distance is. We truly grew to become a family. The memories of all the Iftars we shared together in Ramdan will always hold a special place in my heart.

Being in this part of Germany has been an incredible experience as well! Being an hour away from Cologne or Koblenz, three from Brussels, four from Amsterdam, or seven from Paris, travelling has never been more easy and fun! Every place I visited sent me back home with something more inside of me. I could not have asked to be in a more strategic place in Germany or Europe to travel. It’s an explorer’s paradise.

With all its highs and lows, these past five months have been nothing but magic. It’s an opportunity for great personal growth and spectacular adventures. As of this moment I am still carrying own with my initial intentions. Being alone in a different environment creates a spectacular space for creation, and magnificent opportunity for exploration, both internal and external. I am forever grateful for every single brother and sister I found here. They were right in the center of all of my creation and exploration. It is safe to say that they have changed my life.

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