7000 Kilometers from Home

Lakshman from India, Winter Semester 2022/2023


My name is Lakshman and I'm from India. Traveling 7000 kilometers to a new country despite living away from home for half my life and becoming independent still made me worry because I had the fear of being left out and not being able to fit in a new culture, but as usual, things turn out better than we could have imagined. I wasn't just made to feel included; this new culture also helped me in integrating, and since then, I haven't had to look back. Every day I spent here was a new experience for me, from working on a business simulation project to visiting 8 countries. Both professionally and personally, Life treats everyone very differently, every experience is unique and special in life, and I was privileged to learn about new perspectives due to cultural differences in addition to experiencing the cultures of many countries. Even though I'm returning home with a heavy heart, I don't think it's because I'm sad; rather, I think it's because my head and heart are overflowing with memories from this time, which I know I will always treasure. I'll always have a special place in my heart for this chapter in my life's story. I am Lakshman and this is my incredible story. 

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