My Adventure in Germany

My Adventure in Germany

Besik from Georgia, Winter Semester 2019/2020

Hi, I'm Besik, an exchange student from Georgia. I had the honor of being part of an international group chosen by Hochschule Koblenz in 2019/20 winter semester. And I can say without any hesitation it has been an adventure. When my home university published a list of potential options, I immediately shortlisted it as I wanted to go to Germany for the second time. As I had already experienced the reliability of the German education system, I knew it would meet all of my requirements. In fact, without any doubt, it satisfied my expectations fully. Experienced academic personal, infrastructure and modern teaching techniques made it easier for me to take all the best from this program. I was given a chance to receive a high-quality international education. The studying process was diverse and very international. Not only students but there were lecturer representatives from different countries, that made it easier for us to see things from different perspectives. The part that I liked the most during my study was the importance of the practical side of it, that unlike my past experiences it was not overpassed by theoretical material.  Considering the fact that it was going to be my second exchange semester in Germany, for me it was always a competition between those two.  I knew what to expect but to my surprise, ReinahrCampus overpassed all of my presumptions. No matter how experienced you are it is always a challenge to be abroad apart from your home country facing difficulties every day. However, the atmosphere in the university and people in Remagen made that place as my second home. For that reason, the adaptation process was really fast and easy. I had the opportunity to keep an ideal balance between studying and participating in many other events outside the campus. There was enough room even for traveling around Europe. I personally visited 5 other countries besides Germany during my exchange. So, there were many things that made this semester unforgettable for me but what I will miss the most is, as I call it my second family, my friends from different countries which I met here in RheinAhrCampus. After the program, we are still in touch with each other sharing our daily experiences now from our home countries. We are all really thankful that RheinAhrCampus gave us so many great things to remember and more importantly that was a place that helped us to meet each other.

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