Salut tout le monde

Salut tout le monde

Djamel from Paris, Summer Semester 2012

This is the end of a great adventure! It was a wonderful year. I said already many things in my last report at the end of the Winter Semester. I met so many interesting people and now I have the feeling to be a part of this Germany. I think that is not possible to resume all this year since September 2011 in a report. I can speak about the cities I have visited: Aachen, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Linz, Köln, Koblenz, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Trier, Ahrweiler, Andernach, Goslar … which were very interesting and sometimes extremely nice (like Goslar). I had also the possibility to travel abroad in my free time (in Amsterdam, Liège, Praha or Strasbourg).

I can speak about the food, that I already know, but it was so good to test all the beers (Alt, Kölsch …), to go in the Brauhaus or Tacos Bar with my friends: Gabriella, Io, Katalin, Mark, Megan and Oyumbileg. I have now many souvenirs. For example I liked to go to the Weihnachtsmarkt in Koblenz or Bonn and drink Glühwein.

I can say only good things about German people. During my year in Remagen I lived first in a shared flat with three other students, and from March I lived in the apartment of Benjamin who went in Paris to study. I like to study in a small university because everybody knows everybody. I have met some new German friends at RheinAhrCampus. And we went sometimes to parties or bars in Bonn or Remagen for the European championship.

Since the beginning of the year I learned what it means to study in Germany. The education is very different, the lecturers very active and group work is important. If I had a problem it was not difficult to contact them and they answered quickly. Half of my courses were in German and the other half in English. It is a good thing because I can improve the two of them. The conception of sport management is also different here. It is a good thing for my international experience. During this semester I went with IBS course in a seminar about Corporate Social Responsibility to Izmir (Turkey). It was very interesting because we could meet students and teachers from different countries and learn about different conceptions of studying.

I think that studying in Germany was a great opportunity, a big chance and a good choice. It can be very useful to find a job and it helped me to integrate at a famous sports management school.

RheinAhrCampus is a very nice and modern university, where the international office takes care of all exchange students. The Erasmus life means a great experience, which every student should have!

Now Remagen, RheinAhrCampus, Sinzig, Bonn, Koblenz, or Von Lassaulx Straße are so many words that are a part of me now! And will be for the rest of my life.


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