Sara from Spain

Sara from Spain

I´m very happy to be here. I feel as I´m in my house. Students, Professors and the International Office are very nice. I think that I have a lot of luck because they always help me as much as they can. From the first day on I met student tutors who showed me the university, the city and took me to many excursions to cities next to Remagen: Bonn, Cologne, Coblence. With their help I also survived all administrative matters, from which you have to do a lot. :) The International Office helped me with the courses I could choose and advised me in questions like health insurance, bank account, cell phone (as it is cheaper to have a German telephone card) and certainly accommodation.

I live in a lovely shared flat with a nice student, we are doing very well together.

My experience as Erasmus (international) student at RheinAhrCampus is fantastic. I met marvellous people and I´m learning much German. To understand the classes at university you have to have good skills in German language. When I arrived here my German was not very good, but after a certain time of hard, hard working I improved my German considerably.

RheinAhrCampus is in a rather small town, Remagen. In summertime you have a lot of possibilities to spend your leisure time: 2 minutes from the university there is a tennis centre, a public swimming pool and the university has a beach volleyball court. Anyway, there are many possibilities for sports: Gyms, dancing, walking ect. Living in Remagen is rather cheap if you know where to go to. There are some supermarkets and stores where you can find food and all you need with reasonable prices. Remagen was in strategic point in the second war, in fact, there is a famous film about it "Brücke von Remagen", maybe you know it. Registered students can go for free to Cologne, Bonn and Coblence by train. The cities are beautiful and I enjoyed visiting the cities by day and night very much.

As my Erasmus-semester passed too fast and I really found friends I decided to stay for a second semester. If you hesitate to come here because you doubt your language skills - you don´t have to. Just take the chance and come to a very good place to study. I have been afraid for this reason to come here, but had such a warm welcome, a lot of nice and helpful students and professors and can say, it was a very, very good decision to come to RheinAhrCampus Remagen/Germany.

From here, I want to say I´m very greatful to all of you helping me so much. Thanks.

Sara Villarroya Casinos

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