Terry from the USA (Internship at RheinAhrCampus)

Terry from the USA (Internship at RheinAhrCampus)

Terry A. Whitaker from the USA

Hello! My name is Terry A. Whitaker. I am 21 year old student of Coastal Carolina University, in Myrtle Beach, SC in the U.S.A. After this summer in Remagen, Germany I will be entering my fifth and last year of undergraduate studies. I was given this opportunity to stay at RheinAhrCampus through the educational partnership between RheinAhrCampus and Coastal Carolina University.

RheinAhrCampus Remagen was my first time abroad. I participated in a summer school program that lasted about three weeks, during that time we participated in business classes and visited many places in the Rhineland. When I arrived by train in Remagen, I was greeted by friendly faces, and transportation was waiting for me. I was taken to the school to meet everyone and later that day taken to my apartment to get settled in. Remagen is a beautiful place, and the surrounding view of the school is exceptional.

Before arriving to Germany I was worried about the communication barrier, because I did not know much German, but this was never a problem. Most of the students at the university spoke English, so it became an overall learning experience, the German students working on their English, and myself learning German. With this in mind the students are great, and were very welcoming. After about two weeks I felt like one of the students, and they no longer looked at me as a visitor, but as fellow student, so when it was time to eat lunch in the mensa, we ate together, when there was a soccer game, we cheered together, and when there was a party, we partied together. Thank you for a great time!

The overall experience was great. This summer in Remagen gave me the opportunity to polish and learn new skills. I will remember this experience for a lifetime, and certainly this will not be my last visit to Germany.

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