Unexpected but Pleasant

Deema from Jordan, Winter Semester 2021/2022

Hello everyone, my name is Deema, a 23-years-old  student from Jordan. I would like to share my story abroad with you all, a story I never expected to have, but one that I'm grateful for despite its ups and downs! 

I, like everyone else, had expectations for how my life would be in Germany. I had never lived alone or away from my family, so freedom and independence were the two things I mostly looked forward to. My classmates always described their semester as "the best experience of their lives." Thus, I did not expect anything less than the best. 

For me, the first month was the best. It was here that I met new people from all over the world, tried new things and new foods, and learned about Remagen and the surrounding cities. Overall, I felt fresh to this world, new to life, and with all my knowledge, I felt like I knew nothing. 

It became difficult for me to be alone and away from my family at the end of my second month. Culture shock and homesickness were difficult for me and here where I realized independence was not as simple or enjoyable as I had anticipated. That made me value my family even more and appreciate everything they do for me. 

Also, the value of memories, particularly with those you'll meet, and the realization that one day you'll all have to leave, and everything will be a memory. As a result, saying goodbye was another difficult part of this journey. to say goodbye to the people with whom you shared those experiences, their traditional food, their beliefs, and the people with whom you went exploring new areas. I learned to appreciate those days, as well as the friends who come into your life to make them better. 

As a foodie, my favorite times were when all the gathered and shared their cuisine. I prepared "Mansaf," Jordan's most famous dish, and I'm delighted to say that everybody liked it. I also tried Azerbaijani, Brazilian, Georgian, and Indian cuisines, all of which were delicious. Also, when we celebrated Christmas together, it was like medicine to the heart, with the lights and the warm food, it was a time I would never forget. 

I've always been fascinated by how little we know about the globe! We learn a lot in school, but for me, the greatest teacher is traveling, and glad I got the opportunity to travel around Europe during my ERASMUS exchange semester. I visited Spain (Malaga, Córdoba, Granada), the Netherlands (Amsterdam), Greece (Athens), and Turkey (Istanbul) outside of Europe, and I had a great time in each city and learned about others cultures and people. As an artist, I believe that traveling has enhanced my creativity by allowing me to see the most stunning landscapes, archaeological sites, and museums. 

My story on RheinAhrCampus has come to an end, and I can't wait to tell my friends and family back home about this semester and how it has changed me, grown me, and made me fall even more in love with this world. Those six months encouraged me to mature and learn as much as six years can. 

Yours Truly,

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