Requirements and Diagnostics

Requirements and Diagnostics

The vast majority of students who enrol for one of the degree programmes taught at RheinAhrCampus Remagen have acquired a fairly good command of the English language during their secondary education. Therefore the courses offered on campus build up on CEF Level B2 (pdf).

The compulsory English courses at RheinAhrCampus are taught in several parallel groups. In order to cater for students' needs as individually as possible, groups are formed on the basis of a computer-based placement test (Faculty of Business and Social Sciences) and a short online placement test in OLAT VCRP (Faculty of Mathematics and Technology).

Both types of pre-study assessment have been found to be both reliable and convenient for students.

Students who would like to take our Business Spanish courses need to complete a short online placement test as well.

For more information, please contact Jens Andreas Faulstich. Enjoy the language components of your studies! 

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