Current EU project on online hate speech: SELMA - hacking hate

Hate speech on the Internet is an increasing problem for society as a whole. According to a recent study, almost 80% of Internet users have already seen hate speech or hate comments on the Internet; among younger Internet users (14-24 years), the figure is as high as 96% (source: Landesanstalt für Medien NRW, 2018). To complement existing initiatives to regulate, monitor or report online hate speech, the EU project SELMA (Social and Emotional Learning for Mutual Awareness) takes a proactive approach: the two-year project aims to address the problem of online hate speech by promoting mutual understanding, tolerance and respect.

The German partner in the SELMA consortium is LMK, coordinator of the EU initiative klicksafe. The project is funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) of the European Union.

The project consortium consists of the following partners:

The SELMA project addresses the topic of "Hate Speech on the Net"' in an interdisciplinary way with a holistic approach that focuses on teachers, students and their peers, parents and other multipliers from the fields of education, politics (ministries of education), the Internet industry and civil society. The aim of the project is to promote mutual understanding, tolerance and respect in educational work in and out of school.

Project activities include empirical research in the area of hate speech, the joint creation of a SELMA toolkit for use in and out of school, including testing and national adaptations, and the dissemination of project results. The project aims to reach young people aged 11 to 16, multipliers from the education sector, as well as parents and other interested parties. The SELMA measures are intended to increase awareness or knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of hate speech and how to act against it.

More information on the project can be found at: