Safer Internet Day 2023First events as well as logos, banners and sharepics available
Since the end of October, events for Safer Internet Day 2023 can be registered via our registration form. All interested parties are called upon to participate in the day of action, to become active and creative. Regardless of whether you are an institution, school, club or private individual - everyone can participate with their own contributions. Your actions on the international motto "Together for a better internet" or the thematic focus "#OnlineAmLimit" will be published on our website after a review. As of today, you can see the first events already registered on our event overview.
You can also download logos, banners and sharepics for Sager Internet Day from us as of today. You are welcome to use the graphics, e.g. to refer to Safer Internet Day online or in print media. Of course, you can also order our posters and stickers free of charge. All information on downloading and ordering can now be found on our information page.