Information services for young people on the subject of data protection

Whether it's a rap song, a quiz, an online course or a workshop - there are many ways to give young people an understanding of the topic of data privacy.

According to the latest youth study by the German Institute for Trust and Security on the Internet (DIVSI), the 14- to 24-year-olds surveyed at "have some glaring gaps in their knowledge when it comes to questions about security, data protection and privacy on the Internet." Although data protection is relevant to all respondents, it is perceived as too complex a topic, the concrete implications of which are unclear to the respondents. A more intensive examination of the topic is therefore tended to be avoided by accepting the realities or suppressing problems. This excessive demand is to be understood as a clear appeal for stronger support on this topic (source: DIVSI - U25 Study - Euphoria was yesterday, November 2018).

What information services are available for young people in the area of data protection? klicksafe presents some, interesting options:

Online course for young people on data protection

From 23.11. - 25.11.2018, the youth conference "WebDays" will take place in Mannheim. Following this, the "WebDaysMOOC" - an online course for young people on the topic of data protection - will start from 26.11.2018. It deals with the digital self, data traces and data networking, one's own digital self-determination, influencing by influencers and our networked future in 20 years. Over a period of four weeks, the young course participants receive learning content with videos and assignments that they work on independently, at home or on the road - but are always in the course community. In this way, they exchange ideas with other young people on the topics of data privacy and digital self-determination. Offline events are also being planned across Germany. The online course is free of charge and open to anyone over the age of 14. The course starts on 26.11.2018. At the end, young people will receive a certificate of participation in the course. Further information & Registration for the WebDaysMOOC:

Teaching materials on the topic of data privacy

The teaching material "klicksafe to go: Data treasure - data set? Why data protection and data security are important" was developed in cooperation with the educational project "Chaos macht Schule" of the Chaos Computer Club. It supports parents and teachers in making young people aware of how to handle their data on the Internet consciously and securely and in taking measures for self-data protection.

The klicksafe worksheet "Data under species protection" can help students learn basic rules for self-data protection based on a rap song.

The collection of working materials "Data protection goes to school" offers numerous teaching units on the subject of data protection. Its aim is to teach students clear and simple rules of conduct for the sensitive handling of their personal data on the Internet.

Lectures and workshops on data privacy

The goal of the "Chaos macht Schule" educational initiative is to strengthen students, parents and teachers in the areas of media literacy and understanding technology. To this end, an independent range of workshops and lectures has been developed for schools. Detailed information on the offerings can be found at

Further information for young people on the subject of data privacy