jugendschutz.net presents status reportIslamist propaganda on the Internet also targets young people
From January 2021 to June 2022, jugendschutz.net registered 557 violations in the topic area Islamism. In 94 percent of the cases, deletion or blocking was achieved. Most of the violations involved the use of signs of unconstitutional organizations. Almost all registered cases (over 90 percent) were on social media services.
In addition to taking action against specific content, jugendschutz.net continuously monitors trends and phenomena in this area. As part of the competence network against hate on the net, it is funded by the BMFSFJ as part of the federal program "Demokratie leben!
→ The report "Islamism on the Net 2021/22" is available for download here.
You can find more information and materials on this topic in our Salafism on the Net section.