Help with stress on the netJUUUPORT expands web offering for young people
JUUUPORT pursues two important goals: counseling and educating young people. The special thing about this is that the JUUUPORT scouts providing advice are teenagers and young adults themselves. In addition to the online advice at eye level, young people receive important tips on how to protect themselves and others on the Internet on advice pages .
As the online world is constantly changing, JUUUPORT has now also expanded its website for young people. The platform now offers young people an overview page with additional advice centers. In addition, there is now a low-threshold reporting form. Problematic content and accounts can be reported here. The reports are then processed by the internet complaints bodies Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter e.V. (FSM), eco - Verband der Internetwirtschaft e.V. and
Other new features include
- More intuitive menu navigation
- Simplified access to online advice
- More youth-oriented design