Children's photos on the net - campaign raises awareness among parents
Whether sweet baby photos or funny everyday situations - parents are proud of their offspring and want to share the beautiful and sometimes chaotic moments of family life with others. They should always critically review the conditions under which they are willing to post information and pictures of their children on digital networks. Pictures that seem harmless from a parent's point of view could later be unpleasant or devastating for their own offspring. So how should parents act?
Would you post such a photo of yourself?
The current campaign #DeinKindAuchNicht by blogger Toyah Diebel calls for questioning children's photos online and focuses on the issue of children's privacy and children's rights.
Parents should ask themselves these questions before posting pictures online:
- Would I want my photo album from childhood to be found online?
- Is it in the interest of my children that these pictures can be found on the Internet?
- Would my offspring want this (even in 10 years)?
- Am I violating the rights of my children?
Further assistance is provided by the klicksafe flyer for parents: "Too naked for the Internet? - 10 steps for more safety when dealing with photos online" (PDF). It encourages discussion and provides food for thought on how not to spread content carelessly via digital media.
Further information on the topic of children's photos online:
- klicksafe info flyer: "Too naked for the internet? - 10 steps for more safety when dealing with photos online" (PDF)
- klicksafe topic: Right to one's own image
- Internet complaints center: FAQs on the topic of "Everyday photos of children online"
- Growing up well with media: Interview with Toyah Diebel of #DeinKindAuchNicht
- Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk: Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp & Co. - Six tips for dealing with children's photos
- WDR: the story "Children's photos on the net: Posted, stolen, abused"