40th Forum Communication Culture 2023


Friday to Sunday, 17th to 19th of November 2023
November 17-19, 2023, full day

Bielefeld University

University street 25
33615 Bielefeld

Target Group(s)

Scientists, educational specialists, experts from educational policy and administration


Society for Media Education and Communication Culture (GMK), Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb)

Un|visibilities? Media Education, Intersectionality, and Participation.

Whether in the field of media or in the field of education: Opinions and needs of disadvantaged and discriminated groups of people can quickly fall out of focus. Many people and their interests and concerns are then hardly noticed in society. From a democratic and participatory perspective, such invisibility poses a challenge that has implications for media education work. Actors in politics, culture and education are also called upon to promote the participation, empowerment and visibility of all people.
How a diversity-sensitive, intersectional media education can succeed, which enables participation and participation opportunities in an inclusive sense, is the topic of the conference.

As a sponsor of the conference, klicksafe will be on site with an information booth. Please feel free to visit us and get into conversation with us!

In addition to the November 17-19, 2023 in-person sessions, there will be an online event on November 23. For more information on the program, visit this website.