Ms Patricia Grah was the first research associate of RheinAhrCampus Remagen to teach in the framework of ERASMUS teaching staff mobility. She went to Mälardalen University for two weeks in order to teach courses on Logistics and E-Business, her own field of specialisation. Mälardalen University, a higher education institution with campuses in Västerås and Eskilstuna, is located about 120 km from Stockholm.
This partner university was especially suitable for her project due to its course offers in “Innovation, Design and Engineering“, which matched her research interest in “Innovation and competency Management” in an ideal way. Her lectures, both at bachelor’s and master’s level, and the exchange with Swedish lecturers promised her the chance of a direct mutual benefit - including inspiration for her own research activities.
Indeed she found out that getting in touch with her colleagues and students was easy and that her input was highly appreciated. Ms Grah was impressed by the hospitality and openness of her Swedish hosts. She did not experience any language barriers as the Swedish students were used to listening to lectures delivered in English.
By the way, only a couple of hours after Ms Grah’s return from Sweden, an enthusiastic thank you message arrived at RheinAhrCampus – extending an invitation for another teaching staff exchange in the near future.