English Language Certificate

Students who intend to strengthen their international profile need to be able to document their language skills by means of qualifications which are both internationally recognised and transparent.

In order to provide our students with a tool which serves this purpose, this university has implemented a curriculum of optional courses which lead to the English Language Certificate.

  • The compulsory core courses also count towards the English Language Certificate - and thus every student who has completed the requirements of the degree programmes offered on campus has already made a substantial step towards the English Language Certificate.
  • The additional components provide the students with in-depth communication skills training and prepare students for one of the internationally recognised external examinations which complete the curriculum.
  • The required application form is available in OpenOLAT.

The English Language Certificate can be obtained by students of all the degree programmes offered on campus. For more information on course choices and options, please contact Jens Andreas Faulstich.

The English Language Certificate will be issued by the examinations office in charge.

Go for it - and stand out from the crowd!


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