Homeless Assistance

The division “Homeless Assistance” offers short-term and long-term support for women and men whose special circumstances in life are connected to social difficulties.
We provide emergency accommodations and follow-up care in the regions of Bad Kreuznach and Birkenfeld.
The program “Café Bunt” in Bad Kreuznach is a service that allows women in need to spend their day and receive counseling or to stay overnight, if they have nowhere else to go to. At our Bad Kreuznach location, we also offer outreach social work.
In Idar-Oberstein, outreach social work and a place to stay during the day are offered by “Horizont” and “Idar-Obersteiner Tafel” ("Tafel" is a non-profit organization distributing food for people in need on a communal level).
There are 148 places for homeless people in various residential facilities, including our housing facility “Eremitage” and our numerous living groups and decentralized individual apartments in Bad Kreuznach and Idar-Oberstein.

Porträtbild Frau
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Jennifer Möllers
Geschäftsbereichsleitung Kinder-, Jugend- und Familienhilfe / Wohnungslosenhilfe

Waldemarstraße 26
55543 Bad Kreuznach

Tel.: 0671/605-3136
