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SARAH:Safe, Aware, Resilient, Able and Heard – protecting and supporting migrant women victims of gender-based violence

The SARAH project builds on our project results from the CCM-GBV project (2017-2019). The aim of the project is to inform refugee and migrant women victims of gender-based violence about their victims' rights and to facilitate their access to support services.

Within the framework of the two-year project (January 2021 - December 2022), the following project measures will be implemented:


1. psychosocial counselling and the organisation of info cafés.

2. data collection and monitoring to determine the extent of gender-based violence experienced by refugee and migrant women;

3. capacity building through transnational exchange meetings and national trainings as well as network meetings to train professionals in dealing with gender-based violence;

4. public relations work. For example, a small podcast series for refugee and migrant women will be produced and the project results will be shared with key stakeholders.


We will implement the two-year project together with the Italian Refugee Council (CIR) (Italy), the Greek Refugee Council (GRC) (Greece), Settlement Kupio (Setlement) (Finland) and the European Regional Institute in the United Nations Criminal Justice and Crime Prevention (HEUNI) (Finland).


SARAH - Intro-Video 

In the SARAH-podcast series migrant women discuss gender-based violence, and encourage others to speak up. In each of the podcasts (one in Arabic, Farsi, Somali and English) different marvellous women share their thoughts. The podcasts are available in Soundcloud and Spotify.



SARAH - Impact Tool EN

The Impact Tool is also available in German, Italian, Greek and Finnish and can be downloaded from here:


SARAH Policy Brief


SARAH Strategy-Tool EN


For questions and comments, please contact the SOLWODI staff member responsible for the project, Hasmik Manukyan:   

Logo EU


This project is co-funded by the EU Programme Rights, Equality and Citizenship (2014-2020). SOLWODI Deutschland e.V. is solely responsible for the content and can in no way be taken to represent the views of the European Union.



30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl



Nächste Veranstaltungen:

20. 09. 2024


05. 10. 2024