Stadtverwaltung Neuwied, Engerser Landstr. 17, 56564 Neuwied
The town of Neuwied is a public body represented by the Lord Mayor Herr Nikolaus Roth.
Responsible for the content of this website:
Pressebüro der Stadt
Erhard Jung/Elke Baltzer
Phone: +49 (0)2631 8020
Fax: +49 (0)2631 802 801
Please send comments on our website to:
online editor
Elke Baltzer
Correct as at May 2005
Updating and liability
The editors will try to ensure that all the information on this website is correct. However, they cannot be held responsible for any errors that may occur, or events resulting from these errors. The editors acting on behalf of the town of Neuwied may change any information contained on this website or remove this website without prior notice.
Links and disclaimer
This website contains links to other sites on the Internet. The town of Neuwied has no influence on the contents and layout of these sites. It is not responsible for these websites in any way. If any rights of a third party are violated by these websites the town of Neuwied will not accept any responsibility for any links from and to the Neuwied website.
Copyright information
The layout and the contents of this website are copyright protected. No information or pictures contained on this website may be used for any other than private purposes without the prior consent of the town of Neuwied.
Privacy policy
The protection of personal data is very important to us. We process and use personal data in accordance with the relevant laws, mainly the "Teleservices Act" and the "Teleservices Data Protection Act". No data is sold or passed on to private third parties (i.e. agencies, companies, etc.).
Any e-mails or personal information sent are not encrypted and may therefore be read by third parties during transmission. Encrypted messages cannot be read by the electronic system used by the town council of Neuwied.
If you would like to send us confidential messages and/or personal data, also credit card information, please use a regular postal service.
Please contact us at should you have any further questions.