1994 |
26 Apr |
Das Bonn/Berlin Gesetz ist verabschiedet. Dieses Bundesgesetz regelt die Entschädigung für die Region Bonn nach dem Regierungsumzug von Bonn nach Berlin. Bonn und die Region erhalten erhebliche finanzielle Mittel für Investitionen in die Hochschulbildung. Ein Bonn/Berlin Ausgleichsprojekt ist der RheinAhrCampus Remagen, die Nördlichste Hochschule im Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz. |
1997 |
13 Oct |
Grundsteinlegung |
1998 |
May |
Richtfest und Pressekonferenz. Vortsellung des Leitbildes und des Konzeptes. |
1998 |
05 Oct |
Offizielle Eröffnung durch Jürgen Zöllner, Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsminister in Rheinland-Pfalz und rund 240 Ehrengäste. |
1998 |
October |
Erstmalige Aufnahme des Lehrbetriebs am RheinAhrCampus. Insgesamt 119 Studierende beginnen ihr "Diplom" Studium in den Fachbereichen Betriebs- und Sozialwirtschaft und Fachbereich Mathematik und Technik. |
1999 |
January |
Start des Ada Lovelace Projektes. Das Ziel: Mädchen und Frauen für naturwissenschaftlich-technische Berufe zu begeistern und den Frauenanteil in diesen Studiengängen zu steigern. |
1999 |
Der Fernstudiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen wird mit großem Erfolg angeboten |
2000 |
February |
First academic excursion to Achill Island, Ireland; in the context of European projects, these excursions connect students from several European partner universities for joint activities in workshops, seminars, project tasks, etc. |
2000 |
August |
Opening of the RheinAhrCampus library |
2001 |
March |
Opening of the newly built campus canteen; launch of the university soccer team |
2001 |
June |
Student soccer team wins state competition |
2001 |
October |
First "Campus 'n Region" fair for companies, future students and the general public; this is one out of many activities providing links to regional institutions |
2002 |
March |
Implementation of the semester ticket (providing free public transport for every enrolled student travelling between Cologne and Koblenz) |
2002 |
April |
Number of enrolled students exceeds 1,000; First Girl's Day event to promote women in higher education (especially in the natural sciences and engineering) |
2002 |
May |
Launch of the first Summer School Program in cooperation with Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC, USA, and HS Bonn-Rhein-Sieg; this short-term exchange program continues to make a significant contribution tho the activities in the framework of the Sister State Agreement between the federal states of South Carolina and Rhineland Palatinate |
2002 |
June |
First Logistics Forum; First science@night event - a summer event celebrating innovation in the natural sciences and introducing RAC research activities to the public |
2002 |
September |
First Remagen Physics Days |
2003 |
September |
Das MBA-Fernstudienprogramm nimmt mit fünf Schwerpunkten und 83 Ersteinschreibungen den Lehrbetrieb auf. Es werden die Spezialisierungsschwerpunkte Marketing, Produktionsmanagement, Logistikmanagement, Gesundheits- und Sozialwirtschaft sowie Freizeit- und Tourismuswirtschaft angeboten. |
2003 |
November |
Celebration of the fifth anniversary of RAC - and "Campus 'n Region" |
2003 |
December |
Topping-out ceremony for a newly built hall of residence near the campus |
2004 |
March |
Medical Robotics, Navigation and Visualization (MRNV), an international conference bringing together more than 300 scientists |
2004 |
April |
Opening of the Multi Beach Court |
2004 |
May |
First International Week; this networking event, which has been a regular component of the campus calendar until today, celebrates the links to more than 20 partner universities around the world and involves visits of many international guests. Apart from that, sponsorship agencies, companies and other important partners are actively involved. |
2004 |
December |
Opening of the University Child Care Centre |
2005 |
March |
Reconstruction of Soft Facial Parts (RSFP), an international conference attended by over 150 scientists |
2005 |
April |
Launch of the degree programme "Educational and Social Management in Early Childhood" - a program which receives substantial attention nationwide |
2005 |
September |
After a successful auditing process, FH Koblenz is awarded the status of a "Familienfreundliche Hochschule" (i.e. family-friendly university, an equivalent of the "work & family" audit at the level of German higher-education institutions). |
2005 |
June |
First children's university lecture courses |
2005 |
September |
The unique distance learning process "Educational and Social Management with a focus on Early Childhood (B.A.)" is launched with substantial media attention. |
2005 |
November |
Implementation of Quality Management Circle |
2005 |
December |
Students launch Pr1mus (a counselling agency run by students) |
2006 |
February |
RheinAhrCampus hosts the regional section of "Jugend forscht - Kinder experimentieren" (Research by Young People) for the first time . |
2006 |
July |
Number of students reaches 2,500. |
2006 |
September |
Implementation of bachelor's and master's programmes replacing the more traditional, nationally standardised "Diplom" programmes. |
2006 |
September |
The new MBA concentration "Recapitalisation and Insolvency Management" is offered for the first time. |
2006 |
December |
The blog "Absolutely intercultural" (Dr. Laurent Borgmann/Anne Fox) receives the Edublog Award in the category "best audio and/or visual podcast". |
2007 |
November |
RheinAhrCampus Remagen is awarded a second place in the 2007 University Communication Prize competition - for an outstanding website. |
2007 |
December |
Agreement with "Kultur-Leaderhip-Stiftung / Universitaet Landau" paves the way for cooperation concerning doctoral degrees for RAC graduates and staff. |
2008 |
February |
Mittelrhein Institute established to foster cooperation of universities, hospital and clinics in Koblenz, Remagen and the region. |
2008 |
October |
RheinAhrCampus celebrates its tenth anniversary. |
2009 |
October |
Official Opening of the RheinAhrCampus Recreation Area after a planning and realisation phase of 3.5 years and a total investment of EUR 140,000 |
2009 |
September |
The new MBA concentration "Leadership/Financial Management" is offered for the first time. |
2010 |
January |
The project „Integration im Fachbereich“ (Integration into Faculty) is launched at RheinAhrCampus. It aims to support German and international students with their integration into academic life and the campus community. |
2010 |
December |
The blog "Absolutely intercultural" (Dr. Borgmann/Anne Fox) is among the winners of the European Podcast Award. |
2011 |
March |
The new MBA concentration "Leadership" is offered for the first time. |
2012 |
March |
The new MBA concentration "Sports Management" is offered for the first time. |
2012 |
Juli |
Umbenennung der Fachhochschule Koblenz in Hochschule Koblenz |
2012 |
Juli |
neues Campuslogo wird offiziell eingeführt |
2012 |
September |
Umbenennung des Fachbereichs Betriebs- und Sozialwirtschaft in Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften |
2012 |
November |
Umbenennung der Südallee in Joseph-Rovan-Allee |