International Summer School Program 2011
Myrtle Beach meets Remagen
Eighteen students of Coastal Carolina University accompanied by Associate Professor Dr. Yoav Wachsman and Prof. Dr. Robert Burney visited the Rhineland in May. During their stay in Germany, they interacted with the Summer School participants as well as with other students taking Prof. Wachsman's elective International Studies II: Global Issues and Agreements. The preparatory phase included digital project lectures and discussions in mixed teams and email exchange.
In addition, the students were integrated into an International Management Elective offered at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.
Apart from academic coursework, social activities such as sports events, an interactive rally of Bonn, the former capital of Germany, and a BBQ on the banks of the river Rhine helped to strenghten the social relationships between CCU, RAC and BRS students.
Remagen meets Myrtle Beach
The participants of the International Summer School at CCU in Fall 2011 were actively involved in all activities offered during the Maymester stay of the CCU students. They got in touch with the CCU students at an early stage and communicated through email messages as well as chat sessions and social networks. The links between both parts of the program provided the RAC participants with an excellent opportunity to prepare for their own stay at Coastal Carolina Univerity in August/September.