Publikationen aus dem Jahr 1998
H. Fiedorowicz, A. Bartnik, R. Jarocki, M. Szczurek and T. Wilhein
X-ray emission in the ‘water window' from a nitrogen gas puff target irradiated with a nanosecond Nd:glass laser pulse
Appl. Phys. B 67 (3), 391 (1998)
R. Lebert, G. Schriever, T. Wilhein, B. Niemann
Soft x-ray emission of laser-produced plasmas using a low-debris cryogenic nitrogen target
J. Appl. Phys. 84, 6 (1998)
M. Berglund, L. Rymell, H. M. Hertz, T. Wilhein
Cryogenic liquid-jet target for debris-free laser-plasma soft x-ray generation
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69 (6), 2361 (1998)
T. Wilhein, J. Thieme, G. Schmahl, D. Rudolph and E. Umbach
Investigations on Laser Generated Plasma Sources
X-Ray Microscopy and Spectromicroscopy, eds. (Springer, Heidelberg, 1998), V - 25
T.Wilhein, D.Altenbernd, U.Teubner, E.Förster, R.Häßner, W.Theobald, R.Sauerbrey
X-ray brilliance measurements of a subpicosecond laser plasma using an elliptical off-axis reflection zone plate
JOSA B 15 (3), 1235 (1998)