Achill 2006 - ISIS
The figures: 2 pm, 40 people from 11 countries, speaking 15 languages are looking forward to meeting the Achill inhabitants.
- Ana Belén Casares (Spain)
The influence of the EU can be seen in different parts of Dublin. We got the impression the city is on the move, a mixture of national symbols, architecture, with a flavour of Europe as well.
- Antje Laacks (Germany)
LIPS develops pilot measures to improve students' skills and competences for their successful completion of work experiences abroad.
Interactive modules including video, all aimed at successful preparation for key situations, will be developed by the project team. |
Media-net-works promotes active citizenship through digital and media competence in combination with intercultural awareness.
During the piloting of the training programme participants will be involved in building and maintaining their own transnational communities in order to share knowledge and insights. Besides, participants will analyse existing virtual communities and the discursive behaviour observed in these fora. |
International Summer School Myrtle Beach 2006
One project which has been offered for more than 5 years is our partnership with Coastal Carolina University at Myrtle Beach.
Our cultural and educational exchange allows students from the United States and Germany to understand the differences and similarities between the American and German ways of living and educative systems through interactive and practical activities and experiences.
Part I: Rhine Experience Part II: Myrtle Beach Experience |
RAC for a day - RAC for a year
Who comes to Rheinahrcampus once, always returns.
Based on this fact a group of students in the frame of an International Business Simulations promoted our university as the destination for future Erasmus scholarship holders.
The trick was simple: try Rheinahrcampus' facilities, classes, cultural and sport offer, and nightlife and come back next year as an Erasmus student.
International Summer School Myrtle Beach 2005
A unique short-term experience to gain insights into the campus life of an American university. 8 places are reserved for RheinAhrCampus students. About 15 American students will visit Germany in May. In the US, students will participate in regular lectures, seminars and programs in the field of Business Management and a number of other activities. |
Achill 2005 - ISIS
The ISIS (Intercultural Strategies for International Success) project involves International cooperation among 8 European institutions and universities. It is funded by the European Union in the context of Socrates Intensive Programmes.
The Project is divided into 2 parts. The first part is at the home institution while the second part is held in a real life contact situation in Ireland. |
QUIS Action Research 2004
QUIS is a Leonardo da Vinci Pilot Project; the acronym stands for Qualification Initiative for European Social Management and Social Economy. A transnational group of students spent an afternoon conducting action research activities dealing with internationalisation issues, meeting students and interns on campus and discussing with the coordinators for international relations. |
The Summer School Project 2004
This progam is meant to provide students from both Germany and the US with an opportunity to cross the Atlantic and experience a totally different learning environment. During their Rhine Experience and their Myrtle Beach Experience students take part in project work and a wide range of joint activities in order to get to know each other, practice their language and intercultural skills and find out what academic life is like on the other continent. |
TAG (Time And the Germans) 2004
An intercultural project based on IELTS writing test requirements for students to practise their IELTS skills (describing graphs, writing business letters) in a practical and authentic way. In this project the students are given an opportunity to practise intercultural communication skills in an authentic way. They get a chance to use the language in a more meaningful way and get preparation for the language usage in the real word. At the same time they practise for the test. The project is based on role playing activities. |
Achill 2004 - ISIS
Students from universities in Sweden, England, Germany and Spain work together in an “Intensive Programme” held in an inspiring location on Achill Island, Ireland. During the winter semester students have worked together in “virtual teams” where they had to manage "on-line" transactions with their foreign partners. The excursion to Achill Island, which includes 10 days of academic work and intercultural communication gives students the opportunity of real intercultural contacts. The programme includes an online intercultural diary, meetings with artists and authors, teaching and discussions in schools and families. |
Fast Track One - Cross Cultural Business Simulation |
Students will set up a simulated company to market a service or product and carry out commercial transactions with companies in different counties (Germany, Hungary and Slovenia.) The international business environment will enable participants to learn about the workings of a company. Following a time-line of transactions the students will practice in a near-realistic situation. |
TAB (Time And the British)
Students from Remagen (Germany) and Brighton (Great Britain) collaborate on an intercultural project practising their IELTS skills (e.g. describing graphs, writing business letters) in a practical and authentic way. The topic this semester is "Time and the British". Students get a chance to use the language in a more meaningful way and get preparation for the language usage in the real word. At the same time they practise for the test. The project is based on role playing activities and doing enquiries and small research papers on time perception in England (e.g. monochromic/polychromic.) |
The Summer School Project 2003
This progam is meant to provide students from both Germany and the US with an opportunity to cross the Atlantic and experience a totally different learning environment. During their Rhine Experience and their Myrtle Beach Experience students take part in project work and a wide range of joint activities in order to get to know each other, practice their language and intercultural skills and find out what academic life is like on the other continent. |
TAG (Time And the Germans)
An intercultural project based on IELTS writing test requirements for students to practise their IELTS skills (describing graphs, writing business letters) in a practical and authentic way. In this project the students are given an opportunity to practise intercultural communication skills in an authentic way. They get a chance to use the language in a more meaningful way and get preparation for the language usage in the real word. At the same time they practise for the test. The project is based on role playing activities. |
CONNECT creates through the web an exciting cultural learning environment. Cultural operators will experiment with new methods of open work. During the project the audience participates in writing a "Web novel".
The hyperfictional journey will "start" at the different European locations of the participants. At the "finale" participants will meet each other during a workshop in Ireland. The "journey" will turn from virtual to real.
Socrates - Intercultural Community Project (Achill)
The Intensive Programme "Intercultural Community Projects" in a European Context brings 40 students from Sweden, Great Britain and Germany together in Achill Island (Ireland) to train their intercultural skills and understanding of Ireland. Students will be involved in the preparation of the Programme through Internet projects and Simulation games.
The Programme aims to provide the students with hands-on experiences of the way of life and work in Ireland. In small projects they will work together with local artists, teachers and inhabitants of Achill Island. While students offer their experiences and skills to local issues they will "earn" courses and workshops of local artists.
During their trip the students document their experiences and progress in an online student Travelogue.